Page 33 - summer2016
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of fertility. Proper instruction assists women in pattern which would indicate a lack of impending ovulation.
distinguishing infertile discharge patterns from • Long cycles of more than thirty-five to forty days.
mucus patterns that are signs of fertility. See the • Short luteal phases of ten days or less—a sign of progesterone inad-
“Fascinating Fertility Facts” sidebar, page 36, equacy, which means that the follicle didn’t mature correctly; this
for additional information. can cause miscarriage or inability to sustain pregnancy.
• Overall low basal temperatures—indicator for less-than-ideal thyroid
CHARACTERISTICS OF function; low temperatures like 97.4° or below prior to Peak Day
AN UNHEALTHY FERTILITY CYCLE (ovulation) could cause problems with conception in some women,
Over the past twenty years I have noticed a while in others it may not.
striking increase in one or more of the following • Pre- and post-menstrual spotting—one or more days of light brown
cycle traits I consider to be unhealthy: or light red spotting before the actual menstrual flow begins, or after
the flow has ended.
• Poor quality mucus patterns, that is a lim- • Erratic luteal phase temperatures that do not remain consistently
ited number of days of mucus leading up to high, but dip down to or below pre-ovulatory levels.
Peak Day; lack of a changing, developing
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 33