Page 30 - summer2016
P. 30

Healthy      •  “Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the most  their exposure to toxic elements in the environ-

          fertility is at a      common endocrine disorder among women  ment, including cell phone radiation. 12,13
                                                                           Healthy fertility is at a premium, it seems;

                                 of reproductive age.”
            premium, it                                                more and more couples are faced with the sad-
          seems; more         •   “PCOS has been known to be associated  ness and concern that comes with the inability
              and more           with irregular periods, infertility, increased  to conceive.

                                                                           Indeed, infertility is widespread. Nonethe-
                                 pregnancy complications . . .”
            couples are                                                less, rather than leave couples stranded with
             faced with       •   “Endometriosis is a common gynecological  their fertility concerns, this article will provide
            the sadness          condition affecting 10-15% of the female  an overview of natural strategies to address
                                                                       these challenges, strategies that are consistent
           and concern                                                 with the work of Weston A. Price, the Weston
             that comes       •   “Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory  A. Price Foundation and my own experience.
                with the         disease, which is especially found in women  In order to accomplish this, however, it is es-
                                 with subfertility problems with an incidence  sential to understand what healthy fertility is,
             inability to        of up to 30%.”                        so that readers will be better able to judge what
               conceive.                                               constitutes unhealthy fertility. So let’s start with
                              •   “The prevalence of endometriosis was  some fundamentals of human fertility and the
                                 47% (104/221 women) in infertile women  techniques by which couples can monitor their
                                 with normal ovulation and normospermic  own fertility.
                                 (normal sperm) partners.”
                                                                       HUMAN FERTILITY
                              •   “An estimated 7 million American couples     Anyone who is somewhat familiar with
                                 per year seek infertility care in the United  the inner workings of the human reproductive
                                 States. A male factor contributes to 50% of  system must stand in awe of its intricacy and
                                 cases. . .”                           complexity, undoubtedly due to the Creator’s
                                                                       perfect design. From the time of puberty to old
                                 It stands to reason that infertility in men  age, for example, a man’s reproductive system is
                              and women nowadays is the result of our fast-  capable of producing sperm (part of this perfect
                              paced, stressful culture, highly processed foods  design), which means he is essentially fertile for
                              with inadequate nutrition and the long-term  many decades. On the other hand, the Creator’s
                              use of the pill for both birth control purposes  design of a woman’s fertility manifests as wax-
                              and/or for most of those familiar, but abnormal  ing and waning cycles beginning at menarche
                              fertility-related problems that cause women so  (the onset of menses). A woman is born with all
                              much anxiety. Consider what direct damage the  the immature ova or eggs (inside her ovaries)
                              pill can do to women’s fertility: by changing the  she will ever have, quite the opposite of a man’s
                              nature of the mucus-producing cells located in  capacity to produce sperm continuously from
                              the cervix, thus affecting the proper type of mu-  puberty onward.
                              cus production critical for sperm migration and
                              the ability to conceive,  by depleting women’s  THE FEMALE CYCLE
                              bodies of several B vitamins (riboflavin, B ,     Approximately once per month, one (or
                              B  and folate), vitamin E and Coenzyme Q ,   more) ova develop inside specialized sacs called
                              vitamin C, magnesium and zinc,  all of which  follicles in the ovaries (see Figure 1). During this
                              are necessary for healthy fertility, and by dam-  maturation process the follicle(s) also produces
                              aging the beneficial gut flora.  These adverse  estrogen—the female hormone responsible for
                              changes do not include the well-known myriad  building up a nutrient-rich uterine ‘bed’ or lin-
                              of mild-to-severe health side effects such as a  ing for a possible fertilized egg to implant and
                              40 percent increase in breast cancer in women  for activating specialized cells in the cervical
                              who have not had a full-term pregnancy,  stroke  canal to produce mucus—a fluid necessary for
                              or even death. Men’s fertility is also affected by  promoting fertility. As time passes and the re-
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