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               Spiessens C, Timmerman D, D'Hooghe T. High   Hanke W. Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution-Does It Affect Semen Quality
               prevalence of Endometriosis in Infertile Women   and the Level of Reproductive Hormones? Ann Hum Biol. 2015 Jul; 27: 1-7.
               with Normal Ovulation and Normospermic   14.  Sympto-thermal methods of NFP include: the Couple to Couple League
               Partners. Fertil Steril. 2009 Jul; 92(1): 68-74.  ( ), Sympto-Pro ( ), various local
            6.  Eisenberg ML, Lathi RB, Baker VL, Westphal   diocesan providers, as well as individual books written on the subject.
               LM, Milki AA, Nangia AK. Frequency of the   15.  The most accurate way to determine length of luteal phase is probably by
               Male Infertility Evaluation: Data from the Na-  counting days after Peak Day as that corresponds most closely to the actual
               tional Survey of Family Growth. J Urol. 2013   day of ovulation. Temperatures may begin to rise up to a few days before
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            7.  Odeblad, E. The Discovery of Different Types   16.  Schauss M. Toxicity and Chronic Illness. Spring 2015 Wise Traditions,
               of Mucus and the Billings Ovulation Method.   Weston A. Price Foundation, p. 30.
               Bulletin of the Ovulation Method Research and   17.  Ibid., p. 30.
               Reference Centre of Australia, 27 Alexandra   18.  Ibid., p. 31.

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