Page 13 - summer2016
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

            vaccine are approximately 88 percent effective at preventing  that is associated with benefit not show any benefit?” asked
            mumps and one dose is 78 percent effective”—a claim for  Dr. Stephen Nicholls, the study’s principal investigator
            which no research is provided. Of course, the best protec-  (New York Times, April 4, 2014). Of course, readers of Wise
            tion against lifelong infertility from the mumps is to get the  Traditions know the answer—that LDL levels are not good
            disease when you are young—we need mumps incubation  predictors of tendency to heart disease, and even if they
            parties for our boys, not vaccinations to delay getting mumps  are, the answer is not to force them lower but to change the
            until adulthood.                                    conditions known to raise cardiovascular risk—especially
                                                                the consumption of processed foods based on vegetable oils
            VITAMIN A FOR ENTERIC PATHOGENS                     and refined sweeteners.
            You can always count on hearing the latest on vitamin A
            in these pages, so we are happy to present the results of a  MASSIVE RECALL
            2015 study on vitamin A deficiency in mice. Mice deficient  A massive recall involving millions of packages of frozen
            in vitamin A and exposed to a pathogen developed severe  fruits and vegetables shows the folly of trying to regulate
            gut infection, lethal in 40 percent of the cases. Vitamin  outbreaks with new regulations such as the Food Safety
            A-sufficient mice survived and cleared the infection in  Modernization Act (FSMA). The frozen foods—over four
            twenty-five days. The data suggest that vitamin A regulates  hundred products selling over forty brand names from DRF
            T cell function to limit inflammation following chemical and  Frozen Foods in Pasco, Washington—were shipped to all
            infectious injury to the gut—important findings for anyone  fifty U.S. states, Canada and Mexico. The outbreak so far
            suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s  has sickened eight and caused two deaths. Many of the food
            disease or other types of intestinal inflammation. The find-  items could be lingering in people's freezers—and could
            ings also explain why it is so important to drink whole milk,  be there for years. In addition, forty-seven million pounds
            because the vitamin A carried in the fat will protect against  of vegetables from the CRF plant went into seventy Asian-
            any possible infection from the milk (Infection and Immunity  style products produced by Tokyo-based Ajinooto Windsor,
            July 2015;83(7):2984-2991).                         which had to recall its products as well (, May
                                                                20, 2016). It's doubtful that any of the provisions in FSMA
            DASHING HOPES                                       could have prevented an outbreak like this; meanwhile the
            The main problem doctors have with cholesterol-lowering  regulations fall heavily on small producers that do not pose
            statin drugs is what they call “non-adherence.” People have  any threat for widespread illness and death. The solution?
            side effects when they take them, most often muscle pain, but  Hold producers responsible for the safety of their food while
            also memory and cognitive problems and new-onset diabetes.  encouraging Americans to eat fresh, local and artisan.
            Something like 50 percent of all patients put on statins have
            discontinued them after one year. So the pharmaceutical
            industry had high hopes for a drug called evacetrapib, which   FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
            reduces LDL-cholesterol and raises HDL-cholesterol by      Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
            inhibiting something called CETP (cholesterolester trans-  Foundation is to provide important information about diet
            fer protein). In a recent study, patients taking the drug saw   and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this
            their LDL levels fall about 37 percent and their HDL more   reason, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are neces-
            than double. Yet these encouraging numbers did nothing   sarily technical. It is very important for us to describe the
            for the participants. The number of heart attacks, strokes   science that supports the legitimacy of our dietary prin-
                                                                 ciples. In articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we
            and deaths from cardiovascular disease were practically the   provide a summary of the main points and also put the
            same in the treatment and placebo groups. The researchers   most technical information in sidebars. These articles are
            naturally are scratching their heads. “It’s the most mind-  balanced by others that provide practical advice to our
            boggling question. How can a drug that lowers something   lay readers.
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  13
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