Page 10 - summer2016
P. 10
to make a spicy soup called khadi that proclaiming of great books worthy of get me out of his room since I'd flipped, in
is eaten on its own or with rice. (By our Freedom Libraries, most reviews his mind, to being one of the bad guys.
the way, I've also seen in Ayurvedic are beautifully and skillfully written, He was taken from the rehab facility
literature that adding ghee to warmed highly insightful, pertinent to our to an emergency room. Then, without con-
milk makes it more digestible, which lives, and stuffed (skillfully) with sulting me, he went to a psych “behavioral”
seems in-line with WAPF principles!) good advice. Collecting the knowl- hospital. The receptionists at that facility
I recently noticed a fairly decent edge needed to weather hard times in kept saying they “could neither confirm
Wikipedia entry for the Sanskrit text a “Freedom Library” is a good piece or deny” that he was a patient, despite his
Charaka Samhita, which suggests a of wisdom, even if we aren't planning daughter, in another state, telling me she'd
regimen of Mamsa Rasa (meat soup) to read these gems immediately. spoken with him and their therapist.
during pregnancy from the sixth Particularly high on my radar is Frantically, I searched through in-
month onwards. Mamsa Rasa is often the subject covered in the book on ternational warnings/side effects of his
recommended for breaking a fast as rampant doctor madness, Psychiatry medications, found in the search engine
an adjunct to the healing process. Under the Influence. I know first-hand at I typed up what I found,
Freshly cut meat is also recommended of the devious ways psychiatrists can which included the exact symptoms he was
for the treatment of poison, wherein make life miserable and glean great displaying. At the top, I noted the source.
the cut meat is pressed against the af- profits all the while. They wouldn't take the envelope with this
fected part or spot of insect or reptile After my husband's successful information so I tossed it through their
bite to absorb away the poison. Over hip replacement, all appeared to be security window and left.
one hundred fifty medical substances going well until the third day of re- The next day, I got a call asking about
of animal origin are described in covery when he went into withdrawal how soon I could come to take him home
Charaka Samhita, ranging from the symptoms from the psychiatric drug as he was now stable and ready. He had
meat of wild animals such as fox Xanax (Alprazolam), originally symmetrical bruises on the inside of both
and crocodile, to that of freshly cut promoted to him as non-addictive forearms (some restraints are illegal, I be-
fish, fish oil, eggs of birds and bee's about thirty years ago. He becomes lieve), symmetrical sores on the tops of his
wax. Additionally, the text describes intensely psychotic (not aware of the feet (exit wounds from electric shocks?),
hundreds of formulations it asserts to present), irrational, vicious, manipu- and was fearful, uncertain, weak and
be of medicinal value from a mixture lative and paranoid with hallucina- frightened—not at all “stable.” He spoke of
of animal products with herb or plant tions, agitation and other endearing being left for hours in a wheelchair, despite
products, as well as with inert miner- qualities. his recent surgery; lights on all day and
als such as various salts, soots and His prescription was PRN—Per night. One imagines that professionals in
alkalis. The dispelling of misinforma- Required Need. Being mostly asleep a field would improve, rather than worsen,
tion is a never-ending task it seems. and out of it after the surgery, he conditions. He now has Tardive Dyskenesia
Will Quesnel didn't have the awareness needed to (similar to Parkinson's), as mentioned in
Salisbury, United Kingdom ask the nurses for his regular doses. the book review, due to the drug cocktail
Right on time, on the third day, the given throughout his journey. And, years
FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCE withdrawal symptoms kicked in, and later, he still has the nightmares along with
An abundance of glorious book he was seeing helicopters and SWAT memories of the good people he met on the
reviews reside in the Spring 2016 teams on rooftops and warning me of inside—the other patients.
edition of our (sooooo valuable) people outside our home and in the J Mc
Wise Traditions. From the useful, corridors, murders being investigated Colorado Springs, Colorado
“Don't Bother” reviews, to steer us and then calling 911, at 6:30 a.m., to
clear of wasting precious time, to the
10 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions