Page 8 - summer2016
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idea, what if freedom to make informed large corporate interests to poison us, clearly they haven't done enough.
food choices were protected in the for profit, power and payola. A provi- This one, to Gina McCarthy and
Constitution the same way freedom of sion in the Trans-Pacific Partnership other world leaders, had well over
speech, the press, religion and assembly (TPP) could soon make it impossible one million signatures a few weeks
are? What if freedom to make medical for countries to do things like ban back. That's impressive, and yet what
choices for oneself and one's family Roundup, without being sued for ob- is being done? https://secure.avaaz.
were protected in the same way? struction of trade. This is subordinat- org/en/monsanto_dont_silence_sci-
This may seem like a pipe dream, ing the sovereign rights of nations to ence_loc_us/?baJlUeb&v=57276.
but it may not be in ten or fifteen years if corporations. When will it stop? Please fight to ban these terrible
people's awareness of these issues keeps As a resident of Wine Country, chemicals. We are tired of marching,
on rising. Constitutional amendments California, I am deeply concerned calling and signing petitions yet having
protecting our freedom to make food about the spraying and the drift, the nothing happen.
and medical choices could eventually seeping into the precious watershed, Carey Wheaton
be a reality, and would make it a heck salmon and us, the contamination of or- Sonoma County, California
of a lot harder for corporations and ganic farms where we have been turn-
politicians to subject us to death by a ing for non-toxic food—we might even LOVE THOSE PODCASTS!
thousand cuts. I don't know legalese be breathing glyphosate and drinking it I just wanted to take a moment
so have no clue how this would need in our water here and in other agricul- to write and tell you how much I ap-
to be worded, but I thought I'd pass on tural areas. I asked the local authorities preciate and have been enjoying the
the idea to organizations such as WAPF a year ago whether our water might be podcasts. I have listened to them all
that are on our side and see whether it tested but received no reply. It feels as they have been released (I usually
can get into the collective conscious- like we are being given the Flint treat- listen while cooking!) and just finished
ness of the food movement and medical ment—being ignored. Glyphosate is part one of the vaccine discussion. This
freedom movement. Changes are hap- not only called a “probable carcinogen” information absolutely needs to get out
pening, and what seems 'pie in the sky' by WHO, but has been found to disrupt there so that more people are aware.
now may become reality later. gut flora—which as we know can lead Thank you so much for the great work!
Richard Goerwitz to many other health problems. Marisa Tolsma
Tecumseh, Missouri We hear that Roundup can stay in Loveland, Colorado
the soil for twenty years. If we banned
GLYPHOSATE EVERYWHERE it today, we'd still have years of negative TRIED THEM ALL
What are we going to do about effects, though they would presumably Throughout college and over the
glyphosate? It is not only tainting decrease. . . so what are we waiting for? past year since I graduated, I’ve given
California wines, but has been found What about the health of our children just about every diet a fair trial—vegan-
in German beer, in blood and breast and grandchildren? If glyphosate was ism, vegetarianism, ketosis, low-carb,
milk—and in the urine of 93 percent of just found in two organic wines tested fasting, gluten-free, organic, raw,
those tested recently at the University (in much smaller amounts than the GAPS, juice cleanses—but now that
of California, San Francisco. This is a commercial wines, though) it may I’ve found the wise traditional diet of
health emergency, an environmental also be invading organic vegetables, WAPF, I feel like my search has ended.
emergency—local, state, national and fruits and medicinal herbs, along with Never before have I found so much wis-
international, caused by Monsanto's the other chemical adjuvants that ac- dom about nutrition in one place. And
Roundup weed killer. company it. I'm glad to hear that food thank you so much for sponsoring the
It seems we are turning the whole is now being tested, and eagerly await Wise Traditions podcast! The knowl-
world into a version of Flint, Michigan, results. edge I’ve gained from the podcasts is
by allowing chemical companies and There are many petitions, but astonishing.
8 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions