Page 7 - summer2016
P. 7


            the country exported it.           hundred four, he was in his corn field  in another village full of centenarians
                I finally went to a faraway village  working the land under a scorching sun  and a bit further from the sea at some
            in Nicoya in 2012 and obtained the  and unbearable heat (not the only one  point before they completely disappear
            following information from three very  of his age doing this though).  but have not found the time so far (it is
            old people who told me that the whole     They also went to the mountain to  also extremely hot there).
            village virtually ate the same way. They  hunt all sorts of game but mainly deli-     Wishing a ton of blessings for the
            had virtually no money, were mostly  cious wild pig.                 Weston A. Price Foundation.
            self-sufficient, especially in food and     They ate lots of fish and shrimp   Gina Baker, Chapter Leader
            engaged mostly in barter. Everybody  from the seas and the river. One man           Turrialba, Costa Rica
            had a big piece of land (milpa) where  told me that everybody in the village
            they grew corn and tubers and where  was as thin as a stick (not the situation  TRADITIONAL FOOD
            their pigs spent the day eating. They  now) and unlike his children and worse  IN UZBEKISTAN
            also had at least one milking cow and  his grandchildren, people’s flesh was     Recently I was on an “expedition”
            many chickens. (Costa Rica's entire  very hard to the touch, and now his  to Uzbekistan and enjoyed the very ba-
            population at that time was less than  grandchildren's flesh is very soft. They  sic food stuffs, including the fermented
            a million people for a vast amount of  made a lot of bone soup (chicken, pork,  milk items. An article in the Uzbekistan
            land.) Their houses were made of natu-  beef and fish—no parts wasted). One of  Airway Magazine explained the four
            ral material and covered by a thatched  the old men told me that bone soup was  basic milk ferments we received at
            roof.                              the cure for a soft body (he had begged  almost every meal. The round, small
                The diet of a family of seven  his daughter to give bone soup to his  cheeses were “snacks” and quite a good
            (mother, father and five children) in-  sickly grandson to no avail).  food with the beer! I also loved the
            cluded milk fresh and still warm from     Regarding sugar consumption, he  beautiful butter boxes for yak butter!
            the cow and whatever eggs the chickens  said that at first sugar cost money so     Keep up the sensational work you
            had managed to lay. They would kill  they did not have it in the village. Sec-  are doing!
            one pig per month on average and that  ond, when they could get their hands on            Jorie Johnson
            pig gave five gallons of lard to cook for  a little of it, it was always tapa dulce.       Kyoto, Japan
            seven people for the whole month.   Third, they only had it about every two
                I must add that one of them (age  months, sometimes less frequently.  CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT
            one hundred three) told me that every  They also sometimes used coconut oil     I'm a WAPF member who is enthu-
            two years for the last ten an institute  for cooking. They ate some fresh fruits  siastic about your nutritional principles,
            from San Jose (Costa Rica’s capital)  from trees, but no juice.      and am grateful for your work in fight-
            came to interview him about his lon-     However, their children and grand-  ing the bureaucracy that is working to
            gevity, but they never asked him once  children eat a lot of processed food,  suppress small, sustainable farmers
            what kind of oil he used to cook his  processed vegetable oil, artificial ev-  and take away our basic freedoms of
            food. This particular old man said to  erything sodas and unlimited white  what we put into our bodies. I have
            one of the interviewers that his favorite  sugar and white flour. They also get  something that I'd like to share.
            meat was pork to which this member of  vaccinated routinely. They do still eat     Growing numbers of Americans
            the institute replied that pork was the  pork and even lard a few times a year,  are fed up with industrial food and
            worst meat—this in a country where  but that does not seem enough to stop  medicine and are increasingly looking
            people today, who have drastically  the ravages of sugar. The water they  for healthier alternatives, as bureaucrats
            changed their food habits, die like flies  drink is from the same location as be-  that are bought and paid for keep intro-
            from cancer or heart diseases before  fore but now treated with chlorine.  ducing legislation that seeks to force us
            age sixty-five. There was one old man I      I have wished to go back and spend  into their system. I think it was from
            could not interview because at age one  more time and conduct more interviews  reading Joel Salatin that I first got the
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  7
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