Page 16 - summer2016
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Wise Traditions 2016
montgomery Schedule
tHURSdaY noVEmBER 10
10:00-4:00 Chapter Leaders Meeting
06:00-9:30 FTCLDF FundRaiser Dinner (tickets sold separately)
FRidaY noVEmBER 11
07:00-07:45 Kim Thompson: Gentle Movement
08:00-08:45 Kim Thompson: How to Sit Comfortably
track i: nourishing traditional diets - Sally Fallon Morell
09:00-12:00 Characteristics of Healthy Diets, Part I
01:30-03:00 Characteristics of Healthy Diets, Part II
03:30-05:00 How to Change Your Diet for the Better
track ii: Gut & Psychology Syndrome - Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
10:00-12:00 Gut & Psychology Syndrome, Part I
01:30-03:00 Gut & Psychology Syndrome, Part II
03:30-05:00 Gut & Psychology Syndrome, Part III
track iii: Weston a. Price and the Fat-Soluble activators - Chris Masterjohn, PhD
10:00-12:00 Ancient Wisdom/Modern Science and the 20th Century
Attack on Wholesome Food and the 21st Century Food Revolution
01:30-03:00 The Fat-Soluble Trio and Their Synergistic Partners
03:30-05:00 Practical Applications to Nourish Our Soil and Human Health
track iV: Farming and Gardening
10:00-12:00 Will Winter DVM
01:30-03:00 Alvin Bey & Calvin Bey, PhD: Chemical-Free Yards and Nutrient-Dense Vegetables
03:30-05:00 Will Harris: One Family, One Farm, Five Generations, 150 Years
track V: cooking/Lifestyle
10:00-12:00 Hannah Crum: Fermented Drinks, Nature's Healthy “Sodas”
01:30-03:00 Jereme Zimmerman: Make Mead Like a Viking
03:30-05:00 Carla Bartolucci: Einkorn: Nature's Original Wheat
Friday Evening activities
8:00-10:00 Leah McCullough: Natural Recovery from Fibromyalgia
8:00-10:00 Ask the Practitioner Panel
with Kim Schuette, Tom Cowan, MD, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, Ann Childers, MD
8:00-10:00 Dean Bonlie, MD, DDS The True Cause of Heart Disease and Miracles of Magnetism
8:00-10:00 Film Vaxxed (Free to the Public). Followed by Q&A with Director Andrew Wakefield, MD
SatURdaY, noVEmBER 12
06:00- 06:45 Kim Thompson: Gentle Movement
07:00 -07:45 Kim Thompson: Release Low Back Tension
Plenary Session: Healthy Pregnancy & children
09:00-09:30 Sally Fallon Morell, MA: Introduction to the Work of Weston A. Price
09:30-10:45 Kim Schuette, CN: Mindful Conception
11:00-12:15 Sally Fallon Morell, MA: Bringing Up Baby–Foods for Optimal Growth and Development
01:45-03:00 Beth Lambert: Documenting Hope: Redefining Children’s Health in the 21st Century
03:15-04:30 Mandy Lee: Real Food Recovery – Courageous, Simple, Practical, Success with Kids
morning Wellness track - Stephanie Seneff, PhD
09:00-12:15 Stephanie Seneff, PhD: Microcephaly in Brazil, Is it Really Just Zika?
afternoon Wellness track - Tom Cowan, MD
01:45-04:30 Tom Cowan, MD: The Adrenal Heart Connection
16 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions