Page 93 - summer2016
P. 93

Tim's DVD Reviews

            CDC, Vaccines and Autism                  and they explain that the agency was heavily
            Ben Swann                                 politicized in the 1980s. That might explain the
            Truth in Media                            lack of speed at which they operate.
          Thompson quit waiting for the CDC to do
            coverup/                                  the right thing in 2014 and went public. He found
                                                      one person in Congress, Representative Bill
                In 1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a  Posey from Florida, who would listen to him.
            study in The Lancet suggesting that there might  Posey, in turn, went before Congress to report
            be a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.  on the situation and try to get an investigation
            Other studies also came out around the same  started. So far nothing has happened. The phar-
            time raising questions about the possibility of  maceutical industry has several lobbyists for
            such a link. This prompted the CDC to perform  each congressman on the hill but I’m sure that
            its own study to clarify the issue. The result  has nothing to do with it. The thumb is UP for
            was published in 2004 and claimed there was  this video.
            no clear evidence connecting MMR vaccines to
            autism.                                   Cook Your Way to Wellness
                Dr. William Thompson was a key scientist  Maria Atwood, CNHP
            involved in that study. He characterized the pub-  Selene River Press
            lished results as “heavily manipulated.” Some
            of the most significant data were thrown out,     If you are looking for help making ferment-
            including data that showed a strong correlation  ed foods, this is a good video. Colorado Springs
            between MMR and autism in African-American  chapter leader Maria Atwood demonstrates
            male children. Dr. Thompson seemed to think  how to make a variety of ferments including
            that was not very scientific and not very honest,  kefir, whey, salsa, sauerkraut, beet kvass and
            but his immediate supervisors disagreed. They  kombucha—plus bone broth, butter, jerky and
            pressured him to shut up and go along with it.  other things. She makes it all look easy although
            He went over their heads to the director of the  I’m pretty sure I could mess it up anyway.
            CDC, Julie Gerberding. He was suspended for     If you have the kefir grains, which can be
            violating protocol.                       ordered from our Shopping Guide sources, and
                A few months later he was given a glowing  raw milk, kefir really is fairly easy. Salsa takes
            job review and a bonus. How did that happen?  a little more work and more ingredients. The  Former

            Well, he was very good at his job, was a key  key to making butter is to know that the cream   employees of
            expert on other projects and oh, he was get-  must be at room temperature or you will just get
            ting offers to go work elsewhere for a lot more  whipped cream. Atwood likes to use ice cube   the CDC are
            money. The CDC didn’t want him leaving and  trays to make convenient butter lumps. It is also  interviewed
            then talking.                             important to wash the butter or it will smell like   here and they
                This video reviews what happened in detail,  … well, never mind what it will smell like. You
            with a specific timeline of events. When the  will know if you didn’t wash it well enough.  explain that
            CDC is asked about this issue they say they are     Jerky is made from thin-sliced beef or buf- the agency
            investigating. They have been “investigating”  falo that is salted and dehydrated. She recom-  was heavily
            for ten years. Maybe in another ten years they  mends leaving the fat on, which is a good idea to
            will have some preliminary findings. Former  balance the protein. That sounds simple enough.   politicized in
            employees of the CDC are interviewed here     Fermented grains are briefly covered to- the 1980s.
 Wise Traditions   SUMMER 2016                       Wise Traditions                                                  93
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