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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                After the powerful dairy industry was able to significantly weaken  than enforcing the new regulations. Within just
            the Butter Act of 1886, Wiley realized that the only way to fight the  two years, industry lobbyists were able to cre-
            corruption prevailing between Big Food and Congress was to broaden  ate a new group of industry-friendly scientists
            his message beyond fellow scientists and alert and educate the public.  who began to craft propaganda that cast doubt
            Shrewdly, Wiley hired a professional writer to translate his science into  on Wiley and the Poison Squad. When those
            stories that began to resonate with the public. Not surprisingly, this was  efforts failed, Wiley was isolated within the
            soon met with pushback from Wiley’s politically connected superiors at  administration and effectively forced out. Un-
            the Department of Agriculture, which began to stifle his findings.  daunted, Wiley’s next move was to collaborate
                Ironically, it was during the Spanish-American War in 1898—with   with the extremely popular Good Housekeeping
            reporting on the Army’s cover-up of “embalmed” meat being consumed   magazine, where he was able to create the Good
            by soldiers—that the broader public started to take more notice. Soon   Housekeeping Seal of Approval to educate and
            thereafter, newspapers began following Wiley with his human experi-  encourage readers to keep the pressure on politi-
            ments on his volunteer “Poison Squad.” Even though the chemical and   cians and industry.
            food industries continued to smear Wiley with their campaign of personal   In the end, Wiley’s legacy is not just one
            and public attacks, the Progressive Movement’s women’s groups and   man’s determination to pursue food safety,
            trade unions ultimately turned the tide and pressured vote-conscious   ingredient labeling and, ultimately, creation of
            politicians to finally take food safety seriously.            the Food and Drug Administration. On a more
               By 1906, these forces helped ensure the passage of the landmark Food   practical level, the work of Wiley and the Poison
            and Drugs Act as well as the Meat Inspection Act. These additional influ-  Squad is the primary reason that one can go buy
            ences included Wiley’s successful leveraging of the new female voting   a gallon of milk today and not die!

                                                                                                     Review by Bill Hory
            block to pressure President Teddy Roosevelt; the publication of Upton
            Sinclair’s The Jungle, which further outraged the public; and Henry J.
            Heinz’s decision to capitalize on the public’s growing food safety aware-
            ness by designing and supporting a “pure food” catsup.
               Passing the historic 1906 legislation was an entirely different matter

                                              BOOK REVIEWS IN Wise Traditions
                 The Weston A. Price Foundation receives two or three books per week, all of course seeking a Thumbs Up review.
             What are the criteria we use for choosing a book to review, and for giving a Thumbs Up?

             •  First and foremost, we are looking for books that add to the WAPF message. Dietary advice should incorporate the
                 WAPF guidelines while adding new insights, new discoveries and/or new therapies.
             •  We are especially interested in books on the fat-soluble vitamins, traditional food preparation methods and healing
                 protocols based on the WAPF dietary principles.
             •  We look for consistency. If you talk about toxins in vaccines in one part of your book but say you are not against
                 vaccines in another part of your book, or praise fat in your text but include recipes featuring lean meat, we are
                 unlikely to review it.
             •  We do not like to give Thumbs Down reviews. If we do not agree with the major tenets expounded in a book sent
                 to us, we will just not review it. However, we feel that we have an obligation to point out the problems in influential
                 or bestselling books that peddle misinformation, and for these we will give a negative review. We also will give a
                 negative review to any book that misrepresents the findings of Weston A. Price.
             •  If you want us to review your book, please do not send it as an email attachment. Have the courtesy to send us a
                 hard copy book or a printout of your ebook or manuscript in a notebook or coil binding.

            SUMMER 2020                              Wise Traditions                                                   77
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84