Page 77 - Summer2020final
P. 77

Price Foundation is committed to getting this information out. We want  lock down have had better outcomes and fewer
            people to dig deeper, look at the links and do their own research. Before  hospitalizations and infections than states that
            we finish, what do we know about the coronavirus vaccine right now?  did lock down. I think, as time goes on, we will
                                                                          see that this was gross overreaction. Again, not
            LM: There are a bunch in the works. You asked me earlier why vaccina-  to minimize anyone who got sick or died from
            tion isn’t the best answer to this. I said we want to build up immunity to  it, but it is just that we don’t want the cure to be
            this, and there are problems with vaccines in general. But the problems  worse than the disease. You don’t want to kill
            with coronavirus vaccines are particularly terrifying, and they are very  the patient to cure the disease. Seventeen million
            specific to respiratory vaccines. Fifty years ago, they did studies on RSV,  people have lost their jobs in just three weeks.
            which is a respiratory disease, and tried to develop a vaccine for that. The  [Editor’s note: As of May 21, 2020, new unem-
            studies or trials were so dangerous that two children died, and the vaccines  ployment claims had reached 38.6 million.] In
            caused a pathogenic “enhanced immune response” in the recipients. Then,  the week prior to the shutdown of the economy,
            after SARS in 2003, they started working on a vaccine for that and used  two hundred eighty thousand people lost their
            four vaccines that they believed were the best candidates to study. When  jobs that week, just to put it in context. What
            they injected these into lab animals, the animals all developed antibodies,  they have unleashed on us is truly draconian.
            and they thought “fantastic, they had a really healthy, robust immune  We are going to enter a global recession that we
            response.” But then when they exposed the animals to wild coronavirus,  may not come out of for years, and some people
            they had horrific results. The animals had full-body inflammation. They  are saying a depression. And if it was unwar-
            had lung infections, lung inflammation and death. Health authorities  ranted—which is what the data are pointing to
            said to the people running the trials that these obviously were not good  more and more—then wow, just wow.
            candidates for human trials. So they stopped; they completely backed
            off. Thus we have two cases where we have seen really bad outcomes in  HG: Yes, I am speechless myself. It is clear
            studying the immune response in trials of respiratory vaccines. The ones  that we shouldn’t take all the information we
            in 2002-2003 specifically for SARS were in animal models. But what   are getting at face value; there is more to the
            is happening now with the coronavirus vaccines is different. There are   story. Thank you—you have given us a lot to
            seven to ten that are being studied quite seriously, and two are already   think about.
            in Phase 1 trials—Fauci has fast-tracked them, and they are bypassing
            animal studies and injecting them directly into humans without doing
                                                                                    WISE CONVERSATIONS
            that preliminary process in animals.                               A NEW REASON TO BE A MEMBER
                Given that the last two showed really horrific responses in animals,   We have a new membership perk! We are having
            why would you want to do that in human beings? It is very scary. Bill   monthly meetings online for members in order to
            Gates has said “we are going to need to send these vaccines out all over   educate further. We want to answer your ques-
            the world, but we are going to need government indemnity before we   tions. Each month we pick a specific topic and
                                                                            have a guest who is someone working closely with
            do that.” Meaning that they want global governments to make sure that   the Foundation. As members, you can submit your
            Gates and vaccine makers have no financial or legal risk. They want to   questions in advance by email and we will ask as
            be indemnified against all risk before they send these vaccines all over   many as possible during the hour. We send an
                                                                            email notice announcing the meetings which oc-
            the world. That alone should give every person pause.           cur in the last week of the month. We have room
                It is important for people to understand that with these respiratory   for up to 500 at each meeting but if you cannot
            vaccines, vaccines provoke a heightened immune response that can be   attend live, you can view the recordings afterwards
                                                                            either on our website or on our members-only
            lethal, and we don’t understand it well. Interestingly, some of the biggest   Facebook group.
            vaccine proponents in the U.S.—such as Peter Hotez (a vaccine developer      LOGGING IN ON OUR WEBSITE:
            in Texas) and Paul Offit (a vaccine developer and patent holder at the   If you need your login or password, let
            University of Pennsylvania)—are actually exercising caution and warning   us know:
            people to be cautious. They are trying to slow down this bus, but they      MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP:
            don’t seem to be having much success. The reason for that, I believe, is
            that they don’t want to see these vaccines come out and injure or kill a   pricefoundation/permalink/784319591978068/
            ton of people because then that would threaten their childhood vaccine   If you have suggestions for topics or
            program. Because it is not going to reflect well on any vaccine if these   have not been getting our email about
            coronavirus vaccines cause tons of harm.                              these events, please let us know.
                One other thing that we didn’t talk about is that states that did not

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