Page 72 - Summer2020final
P. 72
One area where I think the media are over- I don’t know for sure, but if you look at what the CDC and other health
hyping is telling people they are asymptomatic authorities are saying—that this has been a really horrible flu season
carriers. I don’t think that is correct or appro- way back before coronavirus was supposedly ever here—my point is
priate. These people’s immune systems have that CDC is now acknowledging that the coronavirus was circulating in
recognized the virus, dealt with it and they’re California as early as December 20th or even before. If that is the case,
done with it—without symptoms. And from then millions of people had it before any measures were put in place. Yet,
what I understand, in Britain there is a team of we didn’t have millions of people getting sick or dying. We did have a bad
scientists who are challenging the ones putting flu season. I can speak to that personally. I am saying that it is a perfect
out all the fear. They believe that the virus has example of how people don’t know they have had it because they have
been in Britain for months longer than thought been exposed and their immune system dealt with it fine.
and that half the population has already had it or This is all based on the scientific literature. I have written about
been exposed to it. They are just not susceptible several of these things on my website, The first
to it. The implications of that are radical. What one was specifically about the coronavirus and what we know about it. I
it means is that the vast majority of people—and also point out that we carry staph and many other organisms said to be
I am talking tens of millions of people—have pathogenic. Another point is that the only testing we give at this point
already been exposed without even knowing it. to determine whether someone is sick or exposed is highly subjective.
So, are we appropriately addressing this situa- It is called the PCR test. It does not tell us whether we have millions of
tion? The CDC is saying that in California, the replicating viruses in our body. We don’t know that.
virus was there as early as December 20th. That
would mean that it has been circulating in the HG: Dr. Tom Cowan was on a previous podcast and addressed the subject
U.S. since sometime in mid-December. of the test. He said that it is a surrogate test. Even the man who invented
People in my family had it in February, the PCR test said that it should not be used to identify viruses as conta-
before it was supposedly in my state. Of course, gious. And yet, that is how we are trying to use it.
It was only a matter of time before we got censored! Our content bucks the status quo in so many ways. We already
knew that search engines and social media platforms had methods to change search results and shift algorithms to
hide alternative health content, but we were still taken aback when our podcast interview with Dafna Tachover, senior
attorney of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), was pulled from YouTube. The topic? 5G.
YouTube had released a statement in April that they would censor content equating the coronavirus with 5G. But this
particular episode did not do that. As a matter of fact, Dafna actually clearly stated that CHD had not found sufficient
evidence to link 5G to the outbreak of the coronavirus.
Bewildered, we looked into next steps to reinstate our show. And only two episodes later, we were censored again.
Our podcast with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was also removed from YouTube! The topic? Vaccinations.
Here’s our suggestion to get around this unprecedented censorship:
1) Listen to both of the censored episodes and share them widely with friends and family. The podcasts are still avail-
able on our website, Apple podcasts, and other podcast platforms (like Pandora, Spotify, tunein, GooglePlay, Stitcher,
Wise Traditions podcast #244 “Evidence against 5G” with Dafna Tachover
Wise Traditions podcast #246 “Vaccine Facts Few Know About” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
2) Make a gift of any size to help us explore other platforms so that this health and life-saving information is not kept
from people. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are not the only options. We are looking into new places that
value the unhindered exchange of ideas.
Thank you for your support! We must keep up the fight. We see censorship as a sign that we are doing something right.
70 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020