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are reaping another five hundred million dollars   8.   Belon P, Banerjee P, Choudhury SC et al. Can administration of potentized
            in profits for all the drugs prescribed to treat   homeopathic remedy, Arsenicum Album, alter antinuclear antibody (ANA)
                                                         titer in people living in high-risk arsenic contaminated areas? I. A correlation
            these potentially vaccine-linked conditions.   with certain hematological parameters. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
               Meanwhile, officials are presenting and per-  2006;3(1):99-107.
            secuting homeopathy as unscientific, useless or   9.   Belon P, Banerjee A, Karmakar SR et al. Homeopathic remedy for arsenic tox-
            even dangerous. Dangerous indeed, but only to   icity? Evidence-based findings from a randomized placebo-controlled double
                                                         blind human trial. Sci Total Environ 2007;384(1-3):141-50.
            Big Pharma’s profits. This simple and inexpen-  10.  Khuda-Bukhsh AR, Banerjee A, Biswas SJ et al. An initial report on the effi-
            sive method of healing is not only therapeutic   cacy of a millesimal potency Arsenicum Album LM 0/3 in ameliorating arsenic
            but also diagnostic, helping to unmask the dam-  toxicity in humans living in a high-risk arsenic village. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue
                                                         Bao 2011;9(6):596-604.
            age modern chemical medicine is inflicting on   11.  Khuda-Bukhsh AR, Roy-Karmakar S, Banerjee A et al. A follow-up study on
            humanity. Homeopathy offers a ray of hope for   the efficacy of the homeopathic remedy Arsenicum album in volunteers living
            healing the world—a medicine for all, including   in high risk arsenic contaminated areas. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med
            animals and plants, and for almost no cost—a   2011;2011:129214.
            blessing indeed.                          12.  Datta SS, Mallick PP, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. Comparative efficacy of two mi-
                                                         crodoses of potentized homeopathic drug, Cadmium Sulphoricum, in reducing
                                                         genotoxic effects produced by cadmium chloride in mice: a time course study.
            Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH, is a classically-  BMC Complement Altern Med 2001;1:9.
            trained homeopath living and working on Van-  13.  Gaddipati JP, Rajeshkumar NV, Grove JC et al. Low-dose cadmium exposure
            couver Island in Canada. You can learn more   reduces human prostate cell transformation in culture and up-regulates metallo-
            about her at             thionein and MT-1G mRNA. Nonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med 2003;1(2):199-212.
                                                      14.  Laure F, Cal JC, Guillemain CJ. Influence of the diluating factor on the protec-
                                                         tive effect of Mercurius corrosives on the toxicity induced by mercuric chloride
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               of a potentized homoeopathic drug (Arsenicum   18.  Cal JC, Laure F, Guillemain J, Cambar J. Chronobiological approach of protec-
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            4.   Mitra K, Kundu SN, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. Efficacy   20.  Schoenfeld Y, Agmon-Levin N, Tomljenovic L (eds.). Vaccines and Autoim-
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               bum-30) in reducing cytotoxic effects produced by
               arsenic trioxide in mice: III. Enzymatic changes
               and recovery of tissue damage in liver. Comple-         SHOPPING GUIDE UPDATES
               ment Ther Med 2000;8(2):76-81.
            6.   Kundu SN, Mitra K, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. Efficacy   1.   New phone number for Pete’s Paleo (619-363-7136)
               of a potentized homoeopathic drug (Arsenicum
               Album-30) in reducing cytotoxic effects produced   2.   Emile Noel - remove the phone number and replace it with the
               by  arsenic  trioxide  in  mice:  IV.  Pathological   web address:
               changes, protein profiles and content of DNA and
               RNA. Complement Ther Med 2000;8(3):157-75.  3.   New phone number for Kettle Range Meat Co. (414-882-7000)
            7.   Khuda-Bukhsh AR, Pathak S, Guha B et al. Can
               homeopathic  arsenic  remedy  combat  arsenic   4.   New phone number for Belcampo Meat Co. (510-250-7810)
               poisoning in humans exposed to groundwater
               arsenic contamination?: A preliminary report on   Contact Carolyn Graff at
               first human trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat   with updates and additions to the Shopping Guide.
               Med 2005;2(4):537-48.

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