Page 19 - Winter2008
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help prevent excess tension, anxiety, burnout,  the hypothalamus, an almond-sized gland-like portion of the brain that
          and feelings of self-defeat and help support the  communicates with the master gland, the pituitary. The hypothalamus
          confrontation of challenges with the attitudes  releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), which tells the pituitary
          necessary for success.                    to release its own signal into the blood, which in turn tells the adrenal
                                                    gland to ramp up its production of cortisol. This system is called the hy-
          CORTISOL: FLIGHT OR FIGHT                 pothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis or the HPA axis. 20
              We often hear that it is not stress itself that     A number of lines of evidence suggest that the regulation of the
          is bad, but our reaction to stress. If we confront  fight-or-flight response by the hypothalamus is disturbed in anxiety and
          our challenges and overcome them, they will  depression. Mice that are genetically altered to make too much CRH
          help promote our success, but if we fear them,  or that are injected with CRH exhibit behaviors characteristic of these
          run from them, and worry over them, we will  two mental illnesses. Depressed adults and those who have experienced
          mentally and emotionally fall apart.      traumatic experiences earlier in life have elevated levels of CRH in their
              One of the potential reactions to stress is the  cerebrospinal fluid, and this generally normalizes if they are treated with
          fight-or-flight response. The adrenals produce  effective therapies. A drug that antagonizes CRH reduced depression and
          the hormone cortisol, which raises blood sugar,  anxiety in a placebo-controlled trial, although the drug also proved toxic
          increases muscle tension and strength, and pre-  to the liver. 20
          pares us for the extreme reactions necessary to     The endocannabinoids derived from arachidonic acid are central
          defend our lives when our survival is threatened.  regulators of the HPA axis. When researchers physically restrain rats for
          This reaction is necessary in certain situations  thirty minutes, their blood levels of corticosterone—the equivalent of
          but needs to be regulated. If we react to the minor  cortisol in the human—shoot up seven-fold. When they are given a drug
          stresses in our daily lives with the fight-or-flight  that raises the level of natural endocannabinoids in the brain, however,
          response, we will be constantly anxious and will  corticosterone only rises two- to three-fold.  It is difficult for us to say for
          eventually burn out or develop chronic condi-  sure whether this suppression of the fight-or-flight response is good or bad,
          tions like heart disease.                 because we do not know what the ideal blood levels of adrenal hormones
              The fight-or-flight response is controlled by  are for a given stressful situation. It would be more informative to look at

                                                      FIGURE 3.
                                               THE ELEVATED ZERO MAZE

              The elevated zero maze is shaped like a zero (an open circle) and is elevated off the ground. The rat has the choice be-
          tween spending time in the open spaces or the closed spaces, thus facing the internal conflict between its fear of predators
          and its desire to explore its environment. More time spent in the open spaces is taken to indicate a lower level of anxiety.

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