Page 23 - Winter2008
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against polar bear liver being eaten with the  excitotoxins. Boosting their levels in the brain
          membrane would therefore be useless. Finally,  helps prevent the experimental induction of
          vitamin  A  toxicity  generally  accompanies  seizures, while depleting or antagonizing them
          chronically high intakes over time, usually of  lowers the amount of drugs necessary to induce
          chemically altered supplemental forms, whereas  seizures. 36
          the hysterical episodes found among the Inuit are     The production of endocannabinoids from
          acute and sporadic.                       arachidonic acid is critically dependent on the
              In 1972, another author offered a much  supply of calcium since it is the influx of this
          better hypothesis tying the episodes to hypocal-  mineral into the cell that turns on the enzymes
          cemic tetany, a disorder of involuntary muscle  responsible for this conversion.  At a minimum,
          contractions accompanying severe deficiencies  vitamin D is required to supply sufficient calcium
          of calcium and vitamin D. The muscle contrac-  to the brain in order for this influx to take place.
          tions occur because the peripheral nerves cannot  Since some cells use vitamin D as a signal to
          regulate their impulses in the absence of calcium.  open calcium channels and allow a rapid influx
          The disorder is often accompanied by “emotional  of calcium,  it is possible that brain cells require
          and cognitive disorganization” and convulsive  vitamin D for endocannabinoid production in
          seizures, probably resulting from the absence  this way as well.
          of calcium in the central nervous system. Like
          pibloktoq, episodes are acute and sporadic.   THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS
              Populations that inhabit areas of the Arctic     When taken together these data suggest that
          where fishing is limited or the weather is un-  nutrient-dense animal fats rich in vitamin A, ara-  A return to
          suitable for drying fish—the primary source of  chidonic acid, and vitamin D will not only help
          vitamin D and calcium in the Inuit diet—have  us avoid mental illnesses such as depression and   traditional
          high rates of tetany in infants and muscle cramps,  anxiety, but help us to confront our challenges   foods and
          a related symptom, in adults. The bone disease  with focused, goal-oriented behavior and to sus-  traditional
          rickets, by contrast, is extremely rare, suggesting  tain effort over time in order to realize important
          that in the physically demanding environment  goals in the future. While there are many other   methods
          of the Arctic, the Inuit have adapted by giving  factors that influence mental health—cognitive,   of food
          skeletal development priority over the nervous  social, spiritual—there is a physiological element   production
          system.  The  Inuit  have  inherited  numerous  of mental health that cannot be ignored. A return
          cultural adaptations centered on providing suf-  to traditional foods and traditional methods of    and
          ficient calcium and vitamin D to the members of  food production and preservation will help us   preservation
          their groups, especially to pregnant and lactating  restore a culture willing to invest in its future   will help us
          women, reinforcing the concept that vitamin D  while supplying the nutrients necessary to sup-
          and calcium are periodically limiting factors for  port the motivation to make that future happen.  restore a
          good health in these populations.                                                    culture willing
              If we are to investigate the mechanism by                                        to invest in its
          which vitamin D may be involved in this ill-  Chris Masterjohn is creator and maintainer of
          ness, we should look first of all to its primary and a frequent   future while
          function—maintaining  calcium  status.  One  contributor to Wise Traditions. He is currently   supplying the
          compelling explanation for how vitamin D may  pursuing a PhD in Nutritional Science with a   nutrients
          prevent the convulsive seizures associated with  concentration in Biochemical and Molecular
          hypocalcemic tetany and pibloktoq is that it sup-  Nutrition at the University of Connecticut.  necessary to
          plies the calcium necessary for the production                                       support the
          of endocannabinoids. The marijuana derivative                                        motivation to
          hashish has been used since at least the fifteenth
          century to treat epilepsy. More recent research                                      make that
          has shown that the endocannabinoids named                                            future
          after this drug are powerful inhibitors of gluta-                                    happen.
          mate toxicity and many other seizure-promoting

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