Page 28 - Winter2008
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as those produced by certain plants. If you are a  process just keeps going round and round and
                              thinking person, if you are truly conscious, these  Ms. Smith ends up with sluggish bile flow, pain
                              discoveries will require you to engage in some  when she eats, difficulty digesting fats and maybe
                              deep philosophical considerations.         even gall stones. You can see how this happens.
                                                                         You can see that whole process from conscious
                              WHAT IS ILLNESS?                           choice into the biochemistry into physiological
                                  We now come to the question, “What is an  consequence into pathology— that is, gall stones
                              illness?” According to this line of thinking, an  that you can see on an ultrasound.
                              illness is a situation where at a particular place in      Then she goes to the doctor and says, “I have
                              your life, you need to be reunited with something  pain when I eat fat and the pain is here.” He looks
                              in the natural world outside yourself, say, with the  and does an ultrasound and says, “You have gall
                              digitalis plant, for your future health and evolu-  stones.” For the thinking patient, this is an unsat-
                              tion to progress. The disease represents an inner  isfactory answer because you knew you probably
                              need for reunification with something that was  had gall stones. The conventional solution is to
                              cast out of you into the world, and you need to  take your gall bladder out. So the physician takes
                              have it brought back. So the process of healing  Jane’s gall bladder out— but she’s not restored.
                              is a kind of reunification process, reunification  There’s no reunification, there’s no learning, no
                              with something we prematurely lost as a human  change in diet. There’s just more to the vicious
                              being. In this way of thinking, the world out there  cycle because people who have their gall bladder
                              was created as a reservoir for us so that when we  out have a higher incidence of cancer of the colon.
                              need to be reunited, it exists out there in a form  That’s because the bile doesn’t flow properly. So
                              that we can use. That’s a really different view of  taking Jane’s gall bladder out is a very unsatisfy-
                              medicine!                                  ing solution for her.
                                  Let  me  give  you  some  examples  of  the
                              process of conscious choice, leading to repercus-  TRUE HEALING
          In this way of  sions, that is illness, and ending up with a need for     If you want to restore healthy bile flow, what
           thinking, the      reunification. In other words: see the world out  do you do? There are two actions necessary. One

               world out      there, choose something from the world, reunite  is to make different choices, which means eat-
                                                                         ing healthy fats, eating healthy cholesterol, and
                              with it, make all better. That’s the process.
               there was          Let’s take the case of a Jane Smith who  therefore making healthy bile acids which help
            created as a      makes a conscious choice to consume a lowfat  digest the fats properly. The other is to look for
            reservoir for     diet and to use margarine instead of butter. She  a substance out there in the world that represents
                              chooses this way of eating because she thinks  bile flow.
               us so that  it is the proper, conscious choice for a human     Steiner often described plants as three-fold,
               when we        being. Then, as the years go by, she becomes  flipped-upside-down versions of the human be-
             need to be       overweight and sluggish, with sluggish thyroid  ing. The human body has three main areas, the
                              function, and she ends up with sluggish gall blad-
                                                                         head, the heart and lungs, and the belly or meta-
                reunited,  der function.                                 bolic area where digestion and reproduction take
             it exists out        At this point we can discuss biochemistry.  place. Plants are organized in the same way, only
                 there in     We know that we make bile acids (also called bile  flipped upside down. The nerve or head pole of
                              salts) out of cholesterol and healthy fats. If you  the plant is in the roots, where the plant senses
                   a form  lead a life of eating trans fats, if you eat processed  environmental conditions and takes in nutrients;
            that we can       transformed fats which don’t have the right chem-  the breathing is in the leaves; and the metabolic-

           use. That’s a      istry, you will end up with bile acids that are too  reproductive pole is in the flowers.
                              thick and sludgy. As the years go by, the bile gets
                                                                            One plant that stimulates the healthy flow
                     really  thicker and thicker, and Jane Smith’s body gets  of bile is called Chelidonium major, which has
                 different    into a kind of negative feedback system because  a bilious fluid in the roots. According to what’s
                  view of     the bile salts digest fats. You have weird bile  called the doctrine of signatures, you can see from
                              salts, you don’t digest the fats right. Therefore,  the way a plant grows, and from what the plant
              medicine!       it’s harder to make healthy bile salts. The whole  does differently from other plants, what this plant
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