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A big thank you to the Foundations PR gal, Kimberly Hartke, whose opinion editorial “Raw
Milk and Civil Liberties” swept the political spectrum on the internet, appearing on prominent
conservative, liberal, and libertarian site,
It was also chosen as top story by Altogether the piece ran on 21 blogs
and in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s Patriot News newspaper.
Kimberly’s next op-ed piece, “Michael Schmidt, A Continental Perspective,” ran in three
Canadian papers, Owen Sound Sun Times, Chilliwack Times and Woodstock Sentinal Review, and
on, a conservative internet news site.Her latest missive, “Dear Canada,
Michael Schmidt is Not a Crimina,”l is on the popular Canadian raw milk blog, The Bovine.word- It also appears on Michael Schmidt’s Glencolton Farms website, www.radarfarms.
com,, and on Kimberly’s Bioneers blog.
Please join her efforts to help embattled dairy farmers, Michael Schmidt and Alice Jongerden
in Canada by sending short (100-200 words) letters to the Canadian editors to Kim.hartke@gmail.
com. Kimberly will forward your letter on to our Canadian editors’ list. You must include your
name, address and phone number with your letter. Calls and letters to those in authority can
indeed make a difference! You can find copies of these op-eds and follow these cases on Kimberly’s blog, www.hartkeonline.
24 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008