Page 27 - Winter2008
P. 27

of partners, with my choice of houses? What is it  God, and then boom, it’s all over, here’s the finished product. The other is
          that I chose that has led to my butt itching? Or to  the Darwinian theory of evolution, a slow evolution by chance, without
          my sadness in the winter? Is it because I believed  any choices, without any direction, from slime mold up to humans, step
          the dermatologist who said I should never go out  by step, billions of years. Those are the two models we have to choose
          in the sun? Or that I believed the doctors who said  from.
          I should never eat animal fat because it is full of     However, when you look into the world, you will find some phenomena
          cholesterol?                              that cannot fit into either a “by chance” or an “intelligent design” model.
              It turns out that vitamin D is made from  Steiner proposes a third model: gradual evolution through conscious intel-
          sunlight interacting with the                                                 ligent design. The premise is
          cholesterol in the fat of our                                                 that life forms were created at
          skin. So if you choose to be-                                                 certain times in such a way that
          lieve your doctors, avoiding                                                  certain functions were actually
          the sun and animal fats, you’re                                               cast out from the human being
          going to have low vitamin D                                                   into nature and exist there as
          and you’re going to be season-                                                self-contained entities that we
          ally affectively sad because                                                  call an animal or a plant or a
          of the consequences of that                                                   mineral. It’s like saying, “In
          choice. Such an answer might                                                  the beginning was human be-
          make us feel bad— like being                                                  ing,” or “In the beginning was
          stood up on a date— but ulti-                                                 everything.”
          mately it is the kind of answer                                                A good analogy is a sculpture.
          that satisfies us in this Age of                                              What  did  Michelangelo  say
          Consciousness.                                                                about the creation of the statue
              Unfortunately, if you in-                                                 of David? “The statue of David,
          sist on answers like this from                                                the form, exists inside the mar-
          your physician, most of them                                                  ble and I took the extraneous
          will be very frustrated because                                               bits away and the form emerged
          they don’t think like this. They                                              as the statue of David.” That’s
          don’t have a conception of the world that’s based  exactly what Michelangelo said. Amazingly, that’s what Rudolf Steiner
          on people choosing and accepting the conse-  said about the evolution— a kind of reverse evolution— or the creation
          quences of their choosing. Instead, they blame  of the human being.
          most disease on germs or genes, something we
          can’t see and presumably have no control over.  IN MAN, IN NATURE
                                                        Think of the digitalis plant— think of it as one chip of marble that
          A FRAME OF REFERENCE                      falls to the ground during the creation-evolution of man and grows into
              Every doctor who’s working with patients  the foxglove plant. At the same time on an inner plane, the human heart
          has a frame of reference that he or she uses to  is formed. That’s a pretty wacky idea but that’s what Steiner said. Steiner
          understand the manifestations of a person’s ill-  said that we will know that the foxglove was formed in parallel with the
          ness. For the vast majority today, the frame of  formation of the human being because when you look into the human be-
          reference is one of materialistic science, which  ing, you will find the remnant or essence of digitalis still remaining there.
          leads to a Latin diagnosis and treatment with a  And he is correct because the human heart actually has digitalis receptors,
          pharmaceutical prescription.              which are like locks. Digoxin is produced in our adrenal glands. It goes
              My frame of reference is inspired by the  into the blood and works like a key on the locks in the heart. Amazingly,
          work of Rudolf Steiner. It is a frame of reference  this chemical is only otherwise produced in nature by the foxglove plant.
          based on deep philosophical questions— some-  This fact is a very difficult thing to explain through either natural selection
          thing frowned on by conventional medicine.   or intelligent design.
              People living today basically have two con-     Likewise our bodies produce feel-good chemicals that are also pro-
          ventional philosophical views to choose from.  duced in nature by plants like marijuana and the opium poppy. This is one
          One is the notion of intelligent design, namely  of the most amazing medical discoveries of the last twenty years. The
          that plants, animals and humans were created by  endorphins, the so-called feel-good chemicals in our bodies, are the same

          WINTER 2008                                Wise Traditions                                           27
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