Page 34 - Winter2008
P. 34

Winners of the 2008 WAPF Activist Award, from left to right:
            Proud winners of the Weston A. Price Foundation   Christine Chessen (California Real Milk Association), Amos Mill-
             Integrity in Science award, Bev Teter, PhD, and   er, Megan Baugh for John Wood (U.S. Wellness Meats), Randy
              Galen Knight, PhD, with WAPF president Sally
             Fallon. Beverly Rubik, PhD, was also a recipient.  Hartnell (Vital Choice Seafood), Tim Boyd, Jack Samuels (Truth
                                                               in Labeling), Mark Kastel (Cornucopia Institute) and
                                                               Jeffrey Smith (Institute for Responsible Technology).

                                                                Canadian raw milk hero Michael Schmidt, Christine
               Panelists Gary Cox, Esq., Mark Kastel, David     Chessen, president, California Real Milk Association,
             Gumpert and Judith McGeary, Esq., discuss farm    and Mark McAfee, president, Organic Pastures Dairy,
             freedoms and the National Animal Identification           on a panel to talk about raw milk.
           System. David Gumpert was the winner of the WAPF
                     Integrity in Journalism award.

                Closing ceremony presentation by participants   Applause for Chef Victor Litkewycz and his sous chefs
                    in the conference children’s program.     as they say thank you to the appreciative WAPF crowd.

         34                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
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