Page 36 - Winter2008
P. 36
ADRENAL FATIGUE tain all kinds of metal. Once you reach a certain
All chronic illness includes chronic fatigue threshold in the body, the metal itself becomes
and adrenal fatigue, whether you feel tired or one of your major adrenal stressors. Now you are
not. A lot of my patients will say, “Oh, I have in a constantly poisoned state and the adrenals
lots of energy,” but they do not or they would are getting weaker and weaker. Even if you are
not be chronically ill. There is no conventional trying everything in the book—you are eating
medical treatment for adrenal fatigue unless you well, you are getting a lot of rest and doing tai
have reached the point of total failure, at which chi—you cannot get well because by now you
time you are put on cortical supplements for the have toxic metal poison in the body, all the time
rest of your life. Therefore, like the issue of toxic taking your energy out of you.
metals, if adrenal fatigue is not tested for, it is not
These two problems—adrenal fatigue and What happens next depends on many vari-
toxic metal buildup—are strongly related be- ables—the types of metals to which you are
cause you cannot excrete metal without good exposed, and how much, and even where you
adrenal function. live. I find very in-
Adrenal function teresting variations
needs to be pretty in the hair tests, de-
close to normal or pending on where
you will start retain- people live. In Cali-
ing metals, because fornia, for instance,
the adrenal glands I primarily see alu-
have such a big part minum toxicity; ap-
to play in the proper parently there is a
handling of metals lot of aluminum in
in the body. the area. Aluminum
The first sign is a very common
of adrenal fatigue metal, comprising
is reliance on stimu- up to 14 percent of
lants. If the idea of the earth’s crust, so
going without your it is in the dust and
stimulant is an is- in the air.
sue, you have adre- Aluminum is
nal fatigue. There, also an additive in
you have taken the test, now you know. anti-perspirants. I have a theory that in warm
If you need stimulants to feel good, you are climates, where people use a lot of anti-perspi-
already exhausted. In fact any drug that makes rants, they are exposed to a lot more aluminum
you feel better is a sign that you are already than people living in colder climates.
exhausted because ultimately their effect is a On the East Coast, I see more problems with
stimulant effect. Even alcohol or drugs that are cadmium, mercury and lead, the heavy metals.
said be sedative actually have a stimulating effect On the West Coast, if someone shows mercury,
on the adrenals. Many people get by for years you can bet they have been eating fish twice a
The first on stimulants, which can include behavioral and week and have been for a while. If they aren’t
sign of emotional stimulants like overexercise, worka- eating fish, they don’t show mercury even if it
holism and even constant worry, such as putting is in their mouth. I don’t know why, but that is
adrenal yourself in a fear state and indulging in anger. All what I have found.
fatigue is of these will rev up your adrenals and keep you
reliance on from feeling just how tired you really are. THE COPPER PROBLEM
Meanwhile your adrenal glands are not
But the main thing that happens with metal
stimulants. functioning normally and you are starting to re- retention is copper toxicity because everybody is
36 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008