Page 40 - Winter2008
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The other      5 mg of Dexedrine—so copper is equally as  the urine. Pyrroles attract aldehydes, and vitamin

               thing that     stimulating as Dexedrine to the mind. As we  B  is an aldehyde. Once the pyrroles bind to B ,
                              know, amphetamines can eventually make you  that unit now becomes a real vacuum cleaner for
          happens with        psychotic if you keep using them.          any zinc you might have lying around. So if you
         high copper is           The body will begin storing the excess cop-  have pyroluria, from a very young age you are
                      slow    per in the brain as the liver becomes overloaded.  developing a B and zinc deficiency constantly.
                              Copper stimulates the diencephalon, which is the  It is hard to consume enough B  to overcome the
               oxidation.     emotional brain. Zinc stimulates the cortex, the  drain that is happening in pyroluria.
                              new brain, the rational mind, and is calming to the     About 52 percent  of  schizophrenics,  42
                              emotions. Thus, copper-toxic people often keep  percent of psychiatric patients and 40 percent of
                              themselves in a state of high drama, and their  alcoholics are pyrolurics. If alcoholism is associ-
                              symptoms can even mimic bi-polar syndrome.  ated with nervous breakdowns, suicide or even
                              Carl Pfeiffer, PhD, MD, has found that one-half  migraines, pyroluria is likely involved.
                              to two-thirds of schizophrenics have high levels     A sign of low B  is lack of dream memory,
                              of copper and low levels of zinc and magnesium,  or very disturbing dreams. And if your B  is very
                              especially during acute phases. Copper has an  low, you will find it hard to take zinc. Zinc will
                              adverse effect on methylation, a metabolic path-  make you feel nauseated, bloated or uncomfort-
                              way that is essential for detoxification and for  able.
                              controlling free-radical activity. Poor methylation     Family tendencies seen with pyroluria in-
                              can be an important factor in cases of autism and  clude cluster headaches and migraines, depres-
                              schizophrenia.                             sion, fatigue including chronic fatigue, sensitivity
                                                                         to cold, anemia, morning nausea and appetite
                              PYROLURIA                                  problems, lack of dream recall, suicides and
                                  A condition that can really put a person at  suicidal depression, motion sickness, blood sugar
                              great risk for copper toxicity is pyroluria. Pyro-  problems, glucose intolerance, sore lower back
                              luria is characterized by excess krytopyrrole in  and upper left pain in the ribs.


              Copper-containing enzymes histaminase and ceruloplasminase regulate histamine, a neurotransmitter that makes us
           wakeful and that plays a role in local immune response. Elevated copper increases the level of these enzymes and thus
           promotes histamine breakdown. If you have high copper you will have low histamine and vice versa.
              Histamine levels are related to the methylation cycle because methyl and histamine compete with each other. When
           histamine is high, it is a sign of under-methylation and when histamine is low, there is over-methylation.
              Methyl (CH3) is very common in the body, as it is present in most enzymes and proteins. The methylation cycle is the
           process by which methyl groups are added to a compound; it is a metabolic pathway that is essential for detoxification
           and for controlling free-radical activity. When a larger molecule has a methyl group added to it, it changes its structure
           and function. Methylation has a lot to do with turning on and off gene expression—when the body attaches a methyl
           group to a gene, it becomes active and when it is removed, the gene is turned off. Methylation is very important for body
           development, including building the myelin sheath and all cell membranes in your brain. If it is impaired a lot of things
           are going to be impaired including histamine production.
              With too much methyl the body will overproduce dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin. This fact
           may explain why high copper is associated with high levels of these neurotransmitters. With too little methyl, the neu-
           rotransmitters are low.
              SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine) is the main methyl donor in the body. When it donates its methyl group, it becomes
           S-adenosyl methionine homocysteine. Then the body can get a methyl group from the folic acid cycle and turn SAMe
           back into methionine. This is called the methylation cycle. When you have oxidative stress, which is what happens with
           toxic metals such as mercury, it will divert the homocysteine. The homocysteine will go to the formation of glutathione
           which is probably the primary detoxifier of heavy metals in the liver, and it will go to produce metallothionein, which
           you need to handle heavy metals. This will happen if your adrenals are working properly because you can’t form good
           metallothionein without good adrenal function. If you have a lot of heavy metals in your body, you are going to start
           under-producing methyl to some degree because it is all being diverted to detoxification.
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