Page 43 - Winter2008
P. 43
Detoxification, die-off, re-tracing, healing crisis—these are all terms for similar phenomena that are an important
part of the healing process. Natural healing is based on encouraging the body to rebuild body functions and cleanse itself
of toxic substances or infections and is not always a matter of immediately feeling better. When healing chronic illness,
feeling better is often fairly low on the body’s list of priorities. When the body is working to rebuild the very foundation
from which human energy flows, diverting some of that precious and at this stage, limited, energy to make us feel better
may not be a prudent use of the energy. As the body heals through diet, nutritional balancing and herbal therapy, little
by little symptoms become more comfortable and fade away over time. But in the earlier stages of the healing process,
at times there can be flare-ups of symptoms. A healing crisis is a period in the healing process when we actually feel
worse than before. This can be due to a number of factors. Often when the healing process is stimulated in the body
with herbal therapy, dietary changes or a nutritional program, the body’s energies are directed inward to the organs and
tissues where this work is occurring. Healing is work for the body and requires energy to do it. This can make us fatigued,
just as when we are fighting an infection.
Many of us over-expend our energy and force it to the surface with stimulants such as coffee and sugar. We may feel
better when we do this, but these stimulants ultimately exhaust us and lay the ground work for chronic illness. Natural
therapies reverse this process, sending the energies deeper into the body to promote healing. But we will not have as
much energy to spend as we may be accustomed to spending. Resting as much as possible is the cure for this problem
and it will pass as the body becomes stronger and has more real energy available.
In the Nutritional Balancing process, often the first reason for symptoms to worsen or recur is the detoxification of
heavy metals. Nutritional Balancing has a very powerful ability to support the body’s own ability to release heavy met-
als from the tissues where they may have been building up for many years due to impaired metabolism. During the first
three to nine months of the nutritional protocol and retesting process, it is very common to release metals such as cop-
per, aluminum, mercury, manganese, cadmium and lead. As these toxic substances are released from tissue storage, and
move through the blood to be excreted through the liver and kidneys, they are capable of causing some of the symptoms
typical of acute exposure to the metal. In addition, for many chronically ill people, some degree of liver detoxification
impairment is part of their problems and can even be due to the very metal being cleared, especially in the case of cop-
per toxicity.
Slowing down the Nutritional Balancing program by reducing the number of times per day the protocol is taken in
order to slow down the release of the metal is the simplest approach to reducing the detox symptoms. However, this
can interfere with the other benefits of the program if the dosage reduction continues for many months. There are a few
products that can improve the detox process to the degree that a more normal level of supplement usage can be main-
tained during the detox process and allow for faster progress overall in rebuilding body energy. Copper elimination often
aggravates the same chronic problems the copper has been causing including skin problems, irritable bowel, digestive
disturbances, headaches, neuralgia, hormonal imbalances, constipation and insomnia. The best product for improving
copper detox symptoms is Extended Health’s Liver Support. This was developed for use during various methods of chela-
tion and it really does help the liver to handle the higher influx of metal to be cleansed from the system.
Nutritional Balancing is a highly sophisticated nutritional system that rebuilds the body’s own ability to chelate and
excrete heavy metal. It balances body chemistry to allow the cells to release metals that are sequestered deep in the
tissues and are not available to be removed by externally administered chelating agents. Using a Nutritional Balancing
approach also prevents the significant loss of essential minerals from the body that is typical of intravenous and oral
chelation in spite of the mineral supplements that are usually given. However, the release of metal at times can be quite
high so formulas such as Liver Support can bolster the liver’s ability to excrete metal into the bile, through the gall blad-
der into the intestinal tract and then out through the bowels. All of these organs must be active enough to complete the
process of full elimination of the metal.
The best general chelating product that can improve urinary output of metals such as lead, aluminum, copper and
mercury without pulling out large amounts of calcium, magnesium and zinc, is the RNA Results Advanced Cellular Zeolite.
This zeolite is absolutely pure and suspended in 100 percent pure water. It is nano-sized which means that very small
doses are highly effective due to the greatly increased surface area of the zeolite crystals. Because the zeolite has a cage-
like shape, once the positively charged molecules of mercury, lead, copper and other substances such as free radicals
and toxic chemicals bond to the zeolite, they are neutralized and no longer capable of interacting with the body to cause
symptoms. The zeolite leaves the body within five to seven hours along with the toxic substance that has bonded to it.
Due to the low dosage required when using pure nano-sized zeolite, the digestive side effects that sometimes occur
with micron-sized products do not occur. Zeolite, like all chelating substances, can only pick up metals that have been
released from the tissues in a free form. This product must be purchased from a licensed health care provider.
WINTER 2008 Wise Traditions 43