Page 46 - Winter2008
P. 46
Homeopathy Journal
By Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)
She was one of those women who had ev- position in which you sleep.” If nothing else, it
erything: a loving husband, beautiful, healthy was refreshing to have someone listen to her with
children, a well-run, stylish home, and intel- genuine interest.
ligence to boot. She considered her life in order She left the homeopath’s office with renewed
and often pondered it with satisfaction. She was hope, because it was the first time anyone had
slightly spoiled. explained what was going on. The homeopath
It wasn’t always that way though. Only fif- told her that each medication she had been tak-
teen years earlier she was single and suffering ing was concealing a symptom that was not only
from debilitating depression, anxiety attacks causing more serious ones but was suppressing
and chronic fatigue. These were not the typical her body’s ability to adjust to her condition. And
premenstrual blues and occasional anxiety at- further, her symptoms were not the culprits, but
tacks; they were the overwhelming, life-altering were gifts of insight that directed the homeopath
sort. Her life was bulging with medical drama toward finding the remedy that precisely suited
Homeopathy and constant searching for answers. “Why,” she her. Once the correct remedy was determined,
isn’t a would whimper, “is this happening to me?” The her sufferings would no longer be veiled but
cover-up of answers were vague and confusing. From doctor slowly melt away one by one. It might take some
to doctor she traveled only to find her inescapable time, warned the homeopath, but over weeks,
symptoms, illness deepening with each new medication. energy would be gained, anxiety diminished and
but a proven Then one day, purely by accident, a friend perspective restored. Most important, homeopa-
world-wide mentioned that a relative had visited a homeopath thy isn’t a cover-up of symptoms, but a proven
which resulted in a cure of his anxiety attacks. world-wide medical method that uproots illness
medical Intriguing, she considered. It was an easy deci- on both the physical and mental plane.
method that sion. She solicitously dragged herself into the The day after her first dose of Aurum metal-
uproots initial visit only half believing anything could licum was a remarkable one. It so happened that
save her from her life of chronic suffering. Yet, she hoped she could eke out a day of one simple
illness on she was struck by the first meeting. Impres- task. She simply wanted to organize a file she
both the sively, the homeopath spent nearly two hours was compiling to build a case for social security
physical and in consultation with her, completely focused on benefits since she was no longer capable of work.
what she had to say. “Everything about you is She had grown accustomed to measuring her
mental plane. important,” clarified the homeopath, “even the time and tasks according to what her symptoms
Aurum metallicum is a homeopathic remedy that has a reputation for addressing the deepest imaginable depression
and anxiety. The need for this is characterized by a feeling of isolation, joylessness and chronic fatigue. It often afflicts
an educated, polished person with high standards, who enjoys achievement but is lost in the abyss of depression. This
state of mind can be triggered by a business reversal or disappointed love relationship, and may include anorexia nervosa
and suicidal thoughts. Yet it also touches the lives of those who have depression running in their family bloodline. The
choice of this remedy is based on these and other individual characteristics and symptoms.
Homeopathy is a medical discipline that can be used at home with simple instruction for everyday maladies, however,
it requires the education and experience of a trained and credentialed homeopath to address depression and anxiety.
46 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008