Page 45 - Winter2008
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dulls your sensations and your emotions so you enzyme-binding sites or some other location, the chelators cannot get to it,
will not over-react. You will be impervious, but it cannot be taken out and the body will not release that metal. For instance
the calcium shell will preserve that spark of life if you have cadmium toxicity, the body very strongly retains cadmium
that remains. in order to support a low sodium level because cadmium will push the
A high level of calcium is a sign that calcium sodium back up. That is part of the reason that high-cadmium substances
is building up in the soft tissues. This calcium is like tobacco and marijuana can be very addictive—they raise the sodium
being taken from the bones. Yet, just the way that level and make you feel more normal, as though you have good adrenal
toxic copper is bio-unavailable, this calcium that function. Your body will not release the cadmium unless it no longer needs
is building up and showing up very high in the the cadmium to support that low sodium level, which means you have got
hair analyses is not actually functioning, it is not to rebuild the adrenal function until the adrenals are satisfied and say they
in a usable, soluble, ionic form in the blood. no longer need this crutch.
With ongoing imbalance, the body starts Copper overload and heavy metal toxicity are some of the most dif-
taking any metals that it might be retaining and ficulty conditions to treat in modern medicine. However, recovery is pos-
using them as a substitute: lead can substitute sible— the right protocol involving diet, nutritional balance and gentle
for calcium, cadmium very readily substitutes detoxification has helped many of my patients recover both physical and
for zinc, aluminum seems to substitute for just mental health. A healing protocol is outlined on page 42.
about everything. And the body will retain those Meanwhile, it is imperative that we avoid this condition in coming
metals; they get locked into the tissues, serving generations by warning young people about the dangers of vegetarian diets
as place holders for the proper nutrients. and working together to reduce the toxic environmental load.
This is why chelation will not help the condi-
tion of toxic metal buildup. Chelation can only Theresa Vernon, L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist, Chinese herbal thera-
attach to a metal that is in free form, available to pist, and nutritionist in Southern California. She works with people all
be picked up and carried out. If the toxic metal is over the United States and in other countries. Visit her website at www.
in the body sequestered in the tissues, occurring at
In general, various forms of Chinese herbal therapy are very helpful in the early stages of healing to help control
symptoms and reduce the need for medication. There are many excellent formulas to help with menstrual and meno-
pausal symptoms, gall bladder discomfort, breathing problems and coughing, digestive weaknesses and pain of many
types. The herbal tonics when used properly are an excellent method of speeding up the rebuilding process, increasing
energy and reducing the effects of aging. For very targeted therapy of specific problems, it is often more effective than
other methods. It combines well with Nutritional Balancing although many people find the nutritional program to be all
they need.
The well known and commonly available Chinese herbal formula called Yin Chiao, or Yin Qiao is very helpful in
relieving detox and die-off symptoms as well as general discomfort ranging from sore throats, insect bites, ear aches, and
non-chronic headaches to poison oak and neuralgia, especially trigeminal neuralgia. Taken right away and frequently during
the onset of a cold, it can stop it or make it much milder if the flu is not very strong. If it comes on anyway, Yin Chiao is
very helpful with the symptoms and reduces fever. It is especially helpful in candida detoxification and can be used quite
freely to control the flu-like symptoms typical of candida die off. It can be taken every hour at first until symptoms begin
to subside. Then take it whenever the symptoms recur. The main contraindication is loose bowels although only a few
have this problem and it is usually temporary. For some, it is just too laxative at high doses. After a while, as the candida
clears the system, it will not cause such severe reactions as there will not be as much candida in the system dying off all
at once. The liver will be able to take care of the toxins released and no particular symptoms will occur.
The digestive discomfort that occurs with all kinds of detox and die off situations is very often helped by the Chinese
herbal formula known as Curing Pill. The Health Concerns brand called Quiet Digestion is particularly effective. Quiet
Digestion is excellent for cramping, bloating, gas, generally poor digestion, nausea, diarrhea and when combined with
Yin Chiao, is very good for the stomach flu. It will control irritable bowel episodes if it is taken three pills each hour and
the person lies down until the symptoms pass. Usually three doses will do it. Copper toxicity causes many irritable bowel
type symptoms including bloating, cramping, and abdominal tenderness. Quiet Digestion taken regularly will minimize
the flare up of this problem while the copper is being eliminated.
WINTER 2008 Wise Traditions 45