Page 47 - Winter2008
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allowed. Most days were relegated to about an out and her stamina returned. The prescription
hour or two of productive time while the remain- medications she once depended on had now been
der was spent napping, peppered with anxiety eliminated; so had the over-the-counter ones,
attacks and weeping. and she began experiencing the life she always
This day was different. Instead of the ex- envisioned. After a few more visits to the homeo-
pected, she found herself organizing other files, path, her irregular and debilitating menses were
too, and even wandering into the kitchen and also brought to normalcy and she stopped taking
making soup from scratch. This was a once-rel- naps altogether. This was about the time she met
ished task that had also been left behind due to her future husband. They were introduced at a
her mounting fatigue. Yet, here she was working mutual friend’s house—the one who had earlier
and providing herself with a nourishing meal! shared the homeopath’s name. Innocently, the
When she finished lunch, she noticed the pantry friend wore strong perfume, a previous trigger
needed tidying. Instead of postponing the task as to anxiety, yet none of this made our heroine ill.
usual, she took it on with renewed gusto. “Hey,” Instead she was particularly clever and charm-
she thought, “I remember this feeling. . . it’s the ing that night, which caught his attention. No
way I used to feel in college; energetic, capable more fogginess and anxiety. Her intelligence
and motivated.” It was then that she realized she sparkled.
hadn’t felt well for probably a decade. After the Their marriage has been blessed with two
last jar of beans was wiped and returned to the children who are both taken to her now beloved
shelf, she scanned the room for another undertak- homeopath for any ills. Conventional medica-
ing. Maybe I’ll just start a load of laundry, she tions are not considered in her or her family’s
considered. And so the day went: task after task lives. It’s homeopathy for all of them. Depression
accomplished with ease, unlike any other day for is a thing of the past. So is the fatigue, diarrhea,
what seemed a life time. anxiety, foggy thinking and menstrual disorders.
That night, as she lay her head on the pillow She has a good life, rich with the blessings of a
she took pleasure in reflecting on the accom- family and vigorous health. It only looks from
plishments of the day and only hoped this had the outside like a privileged life was bestowed
something to do with the homeopathic remedy. upon her. Perhaps she has higher-than-average
“Nah, just a fluke,” she decided, and fell deeply expectations, hence the ability to bring them to
asleep. fruition. There is an assumed excellence that
Yet, upon awakening the next morning, comes from abundant health that she and her
despite the cold, damp weather, a factor that family have come to enjoy. Indeed, homeopathy
had always worsened her depression, she pre- has spoiled her.
pared herself for another productive day. This
happened day after day for nearly a fortnight Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom(Na) is a
when finally she experienced a panic attack. She classical homeopath and educator. She is on staff
wept a little, too; more out of grief that her new at the British Institute of Homeopathy, Chau-
well-being might be coming to an end. Then tauqua Institute, Chautauqua, NY and Daemen
something uncommon happened. Just when the College, Amherst, NY. Her CD, “Perform in the Depression is
panic was coming to the usual breathless pitch, Storm,” is a convenient study of homeopathic a thing of the
it abruptly stopped. And instead of the telltale first aid and is a natural accompaniment to her
exhaustion and residual diarrhea, there was a phone-seminars. Her CD, “Secret Spoonfuls; past. So is the
sense of calm. If it hadn’t been for the fact that Confessions of Sneaky Mom,” is a Weston Price- fatigue,
it was nearly midnight, she would have phoned styled primer. She is also the author of the book diarrhea,
her homeopath. Instead, she jotted down her Cure Yourself and Family with Homeopathy.
experiences of the last two weeks to report at She can be reached at 716.941.1045 for phone anxiety, foggy
their next meeting. consultations or visit www.homeopathyworks. thinking and
And so it went. Day after day, week after net . To be placed on the mailing list leave your menstrual
week, the depression appeared only occasionally, email on the website.
now shorter, now less dramatic. Her desire to go disorders.
WINTER 2008 Wise Traditions 47