Page 44 - Winter2008
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By the way, vitamin C can act as a stimulant. Often when people go on Newborns have a very high rate of metabo-
a nutritional program, they hate being told to take less vitamin C, because lism and relatively low calcium levels. As we
they’ve become so dependent on high doses and they don’t think they age the body begins to apply the calcium brake;
should take less. But that is what’s keeping them revved up and ultimately as copper builds up, the calcium and magnesium
wiping them out. levels rise while the sodium and potassium de-
People in slow oxidation are like people with low thyroid, because cline. Rising calcium in the tissues is a defense
it is more or less the same thing. They have dry skin and hair, they sweat against the chronic stress which is the cause and
little and tend toward constipation, depression, fatigue, apathy, low blood effect of copper toxicity. So the body starts retain-
sugar, adrenal insufficiency and low blood pressure. As with low thyroid, ing calcium to buffer the effects of the copper and
they tend to gain weight on the hips and have a low body temperature. Slow that calcium slows you down. That is the calcium
oxidizers tend to be withdrawn, introverted, less emotionally expressive brake.
and may exhibit depression, despair and suicidal thoughts. As the slow Calcium and magnesium stabilize the body
oxidation becomes more extreme, more and more of these symptoms will and prevent an excessive metabolism as a defense
develop. against stress. Slowing down metabolism can
slow down the rate of collapse and allow the
COPPER AND CALCIUM buildup of protective minerals such as calcium,
Calcium and magnesium are part of the body’s braking system. These magnesium and zinc. This can initially be protec-
minerals help you get control and slow down, to avoid burning yourself tive. It prevents the slow oxidizer from experienc-
out. You have to have a way to pull back, and calcium and magnesium are ing any acute, severe stresses. In essence, since
how the body does it. By contrast, sodium and potassium accelerate the the body can no longer handle stress, it builds a
metabolism, partly by increasing adrenal cortical hormones. calcium shell and the calcium shell numbs and
Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, Lawrence Wilson, MD
Energy, Colin and Loren Chatsworth
Toxic Metals in Human Health and Disease, Dr. Paul C. Eck and Dr. Larry Wilson
The Strands of Health: A Guide to Understanding Hair Mineral Analysis, Rick Malter, PhD
Trace Elements and Other Essential Nutrients: Clinical Application of Tissue Mineral Analysis, Dr. David L. Watts
Toxic Metal Syndrome: How Metal Poisonings Can Affect Your Brain, Dr. H. Richard Casdorph and Dr. Morton Walker
Why Am I Always So Tired?, Ann Louise Gittleman, MS, CNS
Mental and Elemental Nutrients, Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD, MD
Nutrition and Mental Illness, Carl C. Pfeiffer, PhD, MD
Natural Healing for Schizophrenia and Other Common Mental Disorders, Eva Edelman
Depression Free, Naturally, Joan Mathews Larson, PhD
Changing the Course of Autism, Bryan Jepson, MD
Children With Starving Brains, Jaquelyn McCandless, MD
Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
Healing Schizophrenia, Abram Hoffer, MD
The Natural Medicine Guide to Schizophrenia, Stephanie Marohn
The Natural Medicine Guide to Autism, Stephanie Marohn
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, James L. Wilson, ND, DC, PhD
Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Geral E. Poesnecker, ND, DC
An Alternative Approach to Allergies, Theron G. Randolph, MD, and Ralph W. Moss, PhD
Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, Dr. Robert C. Atkins
The Yeast Connection, William Crook, MD
Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution, Richard K. Bernstein, MD
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon with Mary Enig, PhD
Know Your Fats, Mary Enig, PhD
The Mood Cure, Julia Ross, MA
Toxic Psychiatry, Peter R. Breggin, MD
Heart Failure, Thomas J. Moore
The Schwartzbein Principle, Diana Schwartzbein, MD
44 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008