Page 37 - Winter2008
P. 37

getting copper constantly. Almost everything you  called copper head tends to be very emotional,
          eat has some copper in it. A lot of really popular  very intense, often very creative. Such individuals
          foods like coffee, chocolate, avocado, soy, shell-  are prone to crash and burn because their over-
          fish like shrimp and lobster, and certain beans and  active mind is being supported by a very fatigued
          nuts like pecans are pretty high in copper.    body.
              This isn’t a problem with good liver, gall     Copper toxicity is a major factor in irritable
          bladder and especially adrenal function. If adre-  bowel syndrome because copper is excreted
          nal function is strong, we just mobilize that cop-  through the bile and certain things will cause you
          per and excrete it through the bile. Unfortunately,  to suddenly dump copper. If you have been build-
          the way we live these days, that is not what is  ing up copper, anything that causes an increase
          happening. Most people are not able to get rid  in your metabolic rate will cause a copper dump
          of the excess copper. How many people have  and it comes out through the bile. If you are cop-
          impaired liver function, congested gallbladder  per toxic and suddenly under a lot of stress, this
          or adrenal fatigue? Probably the majority these  may bring on an irritable bowel episode because
          days.                                     suddenly excess copper is moving through your
              If adrenal function becomes impaired, the  bowels and irritating them.
          copper builds up in the liver, brain, joints and     The tendency of copper to build up in the
          lungs. When this happens, you see very spe-  body is similar to iron, which is another essential
          cific problems, including mental problems, liver  nutrient that is also a heavy metal. They’re both
          problems and detoxification problems. Phase II  highly electrical, very conductive metals that
          liver impairment is often made worse by copper  produce a lot of free radical activity and have to
          toxicity, if not actually caused by it.   be bound by special proteins, such as ceruloplas- Copper is
              You also see a lot of copper toxicity with  min and metallothioine. The production of these   stimulating to
          asthma and breathing problems, including em-  proteins is controlled by the adrenal glands, and
          physema. Copper also tends to build up in the  they are produced in the liver. If the adrenals are   the brain,
          joints, leading to arthritis. Chronic skin problems  not functioning properly and the liver is impaired,  causing it to
          are also an indication of copper toxicity.   possibly from copper buildup, you will not pro-  produce high
              Vegetarian diets are very high in copper  duce these binding proteins, so copper remains
          because the vegetable foods are a great source  in free form. That makes it a toxic and reactive   levels of the
          of this mineral. Since vegetarians don’t eat meat,  free-radical generator capable of causing a lot of  activating
          and possibly not even eggs, they are not getting  damage.                            neuro-
          enough zinc, which is the natural antagonist to     When this happens, the body starts to seques-
          copper. Zinc naturally balances copper and keeps  ter it. It tries to stash it somewhere so it will do   transmitters,
          it from building up in the tissues. If you are not  less damage. Thus, while you may be building up  like serotonin,
          eating much in the way of meat and eggs, you  a lot of copper in your body, you may also have   norepinephrine,
          will develop copper problems.             the symptoms of copper deficiency because the
              Excess copper interferes with energy pro-  copper is bio-unavailable. The copper is not in   epinephrine
          duction at the cellular level. It impairs various  a usable form so you will have both deficiency  and
          energy pathways in the cell so it contributes to  symptoms and symptoms of toxicity.   dopamine.
          the very fatigue that tends to make you retain cop-     When  copper  accumulates  under  stress,
          per, leading to a vicious circle. Once this pattern  when you go into a fight-or-flight condition, your   This is why
          gets going, it is totally self-reinforcing and very  adrenals are on line and ready to go. This is a  you will see
          difficult to break, even by adding zinc-rich foods  short-term mechanism that is beneficial. It helps   copper toxicity
          back into the diet.                       the body cope with stress, at least initially.
              Copper is stimulating to the brain, causing     The body has an intricate system of checks   in manic states
          it to produce high levels of the activating neu-  and balances which operate through the mineral  like paranoid
          rotransmitters, like serotonin, norepinephrine,  levels and ratios. If you are deficient in one miner-  schizophrenia
          epinephrine and dopamine. This is why you will  al, another mineral accumulates and can become
          see copper toxicity in manic states like paranoid  excessive. For example, when sodium and potas-  and bi-polar
          schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. The so-  sium levels go down, calcium and magnesium  disorder.

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