Page 70 - Winter2008
P. 70

Soy Alert!

                          From Sally Fallon, President, the Weston A. Price Foundation

                                                    November 16, 2008    The change from a diet based largely on beef to
                                                                         one based on soy occurred in 2003, when Mr.
                              Dear Mr. Obama,                            Blagojevich began his first term as governor.
                                                                            The national office of the Weston A. Price
                                  Congratulations  on  your  recent  victory  Foundation has heard from dozens of inmates
                              in the American presidential elections. As the  begging for help. Almost all suffer from serious
                              president-elect, you have many issues to consider  digestive disorders, such as diarrhea or painful
                              as you prepare to take office.             constipation, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome
                                  One issue I would urge you to focus on con-  and sharp pains in the digestive tract. One reason
                              cerns a grave injustice taking place in the prisons  for these problems is the high oxalic acid content
                              of your home state, namely, a prison diet that is  of soy—no food is higher in oxalic acid than
                              slowly killing the inmates assigned to the Illinois  soy protein isolate, which can contain up to 630
                              Department of Corrections. This is a diet based  milligrams per serving, at least six times higher
                              largely on soy protein powder and soy flour. As  than the amount found in typical diets.
                              you stated on last night’s 60 Minutes program,     Oxalic acid is associated with kidney stones,
                              America does not condone torture. I think you  but the sharp crystal deposits can form in almost
                              would agree that what is happening in the Illinois  every tissue in the body—in the heart where they
           The national       prisons is a form of torture.              can stop electrical signals; in the bones where
            office of the         Soy protein and soy flour are toxic, espe-  they can displace bone marrow cells, leading to

              Weston A.       cially in large amounts. The US Food and Drug  anemia or immune deficiency; in the brain where
                              Administration lists 288 studies on its database  they can impair the transmission of signals; and
                     Price    demonstrating the toxicity of soy. Numerous  in the skin where they can cause fibromyalgia.
             Foundation       studies show that soy consumption leads to nutri-     Other problems reported by the inmates
               has heard      ent deficiencies, digestive disorders, endocrine  include acne, hair loss, depression, lethargy, al-
                              disruption and thyroid problems.
                                                                         lergies, heart arrhythmias, passing out after soy
           from dozens            Even the most ardent supporters of soy, such  consumption, frequent infections and constant
              of inmates      as Dr. Mark Messina, warn against consuming  feeling of cold. Many of these conditions are
             begging for      more than about 20 grams of soy protein per day.  symptoms of low thyroid function. The estro-
                              But the inmates in Illinois are getting upwards of  gen-like compounds in soy are known to depress
           help. Almost       100 grams per day—beef and chicken by-prod-  thyroid function.

          all suffer from     uct mixtures containing 60-70 percent soy, fake     When the prisoners seek medical treatment,
                   serious    soy meats and cheese, even soy added to baked  they are told that soy does not cause the problems
                              goods. The soy products are produced by Archer  they are experiencing. Even those who vomit or
                digestive     Daniels Midland, which contributed heavily to  pass out immediately after eating soy cannot
               disorders.     the campaign of Governor Rod Blagojevich.  get an order for a soy-free diet. They are told:

               Thanks to Kimberly Hartke, Media Relations, the Weston A. Price Foundation for distributing the above letter to
           the media and every single lawmaker in the state of Illinois. We encourage our readers to distribute this letter, posted in
           electronic format at, to local newpapers and other media. Then contact Kimberly at (703) 860-2711 or
           cell (703) 675-5557,, to follow up with a phone call.
               The Weston A. Price Foundation has engaged the services of attorney Gary Cox to file for a permanent injunction
           against the serving of soy products in the Illinois prisons.

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