Page 65 - Winter2008
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new process on page 66 for those of you making vestment in our family’s health. So once I knew We remained
this “miracle milk” for your little ones. Chase was coming, the first step I took to help
prepare myself for less kitchen time was to create faithful to
STREAMLINING MYSELF a binder of our favorite quick meals. our daily
FOR NUMBER TWO There are four sections—breakfast, lunch, dose of cod
One of the best things I discovered about dinner, and snacks/treats. Each section has ten or
the second time around is that I am much more fewer recipes: my no-fail, everyone-loves, large liver oil and
relaxed. With our first, everything was new. batch, quick recipes (well…as quick as cooking high-vitamin
Looking back, I find I was anxious about almost from scratch can be). butter oil,
every detail with raising our first baby. But with Then I set my sights on filling my freezer
number two, it has been like riding a bike after a with as many pre-made goods as possible—prop- which keeps
long hiatus. It comes back quickly and it feels as erly prepared cereals, breads and soups. I also the family’s
though I can fully embrace the preciousness of stocked up on the non-perishable supplies for our nutritional
cuddling my new baby who smells like heaven, favorite dinners so I would not have to travel to
without this little voice in the back of my mind the store for more than fresh produce for a while. baseline in
wondering whether I should be doing something I made extra items, like ketchup, and actually check and
differently. purchased a few products that I decided to take offers
Also, things don’t bother me as much. Big off my homemade list for a few months, such
deal if the dog licks the baby’s face or he is on as mayo (Wilderness Family Naturals, www. stellar
a floor that hasn’t had its daily sweep—keeping, has a wonderful infection
things too clean is not good for their immune soy-free, coconut oil-based product) and sauer- protection.
strength anyway (see sidebar Go Easy on the kraut (Rejuvenative Foods has a yummy line of
Cleaning). raw fermented products).
The bottom line is: children are small for I kept up with the traditional food basics. For
such a short time and pretty resilient and for- example, I continued to serve a raw animal food
giving. I am reminded of this daily as my four- at each meal. The easiest and most nourishing of
year-old becomes more of a little boy and less of these is raw milk (cultured is terrific) from pas-
a preschooler. Savor each moment; it truly will ture-raised cows or goats. We remained faithful
be over before you know it! to our daily dose of cod liver oil and high-vitamin
butter oil, which keeps the family’s nutritional
STREAMLINING IN THE KITCHEN baseline in check and offers stellar infection
Home life becomes a little more hectic with protection.
more children, and kitchen time is definitely Every morning I served a hardy breakfast,
reduced. Yet, every bite of food is still an in- but I simplified things a bit. I soaked a double
2 cups sausage meat
2 medium onions, sliced thin
2 tablespoons butter
1 1/2 cups small pieces liver (milder-tasting chicken livers work well)
1 1/2 cups finely diced carrots
1 cup chopped potatoes (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Cook sausage meat in heavy skillet. Remove from pan and cook onions in same fat until golden. Strain fat, return 2 table-
spoons to the pan and add butter. With cover on skillet, slowly cook liver and carrots together, along with optional potatoes.
When the carrots are soft, return the sausage and onions to the pan and add the seasonings. Cook until brown and crusty.
Serve with a big spoonful of homemade sauerkraut and hot sauce (for those who can take it). Recipe found in The Best
Shaker Cooking by Amy Bess Miller and Persis Fuller. Note: leftovers are tasty mixed into egg scramble.
WINTER 2008 Wise Traditions 65