Page 64 - Winter2008
P. 64

Growing Wise Kids

                                                By Jen Allbritton, CN

                                  Being a parent is the most fulfilling, re-  in the world am I going to have time for another
                              warding and sometimes frustrating job on the  baby? One takes up so much energy already!”
                              planet. While the smiles, giggles, cuddles and  My friend Donna, mother of six and a follower of
                              outrageous quips can far outweigh the more  Weston A. Price principles, said something that
                              challenging moments of child rearing, adding  made all my questions fade away. She said, “The
                              on daily traditional food                                     more children you have
                              prep can be downright                                         the more you grow!” She
                              mind blowing!                                                 reminded me that hav-
                                  The decision to ex-                                       ing more children chips
                              pand  your  family  is  a                                     away at our selfish ten-
                              daunting one, but what                                        dencies and everything
                              I can tell you is that for                                    just all falls into place.
                              my family, it has been                                          So in January of 2008,
                              our best decision. Many                                       we welcomed home our
                              of you with busy families                                     second son, Chase, the
                              may be asking, what are                                       cutest doll-face we ever
                              some  ways  to  stream-                                       laid eyes on. Now look-
                              line? Is there any advice                                     ing back, I think, “What
                              for  those  considering                                       in the world was I wor-
                              a larger family? Can I                                        ried about?” These two
                              maintain my high food                                         beautiful treasures bless
                Children      standards  with  more                                         myself and my husband
                                                                                            daily. Now I can see that
                              children? What follows
             teach us to  are some lessons that I                                           having children is a sure-
              loosen up,      have  learned from  my                                        fire  way  to  help  us  as
                                                                                            parents become our best
                view the      short journey.           Happy growing family: Jen, Tyler, Tate   possible selves. Children
                                                              and Chase Allbritton.
             world with  THE  TR ANSITION                                                  teach  us  to  loosen  up,
            awe, give of      FROM ONE TO TWO                                              view the world with awe,
                                  My husband, son Tate, and I were a happy  give of ourselves in ways we never thought pos-
            ourselves in        family of three, going with the flow in our daily  sible and to practice patience. . . over and over
                ways we       routine of enjoying whole food meals, outdoor  and over again.
                    never     adventures and being with each other. While my     As did our first son, Chase is also growing

                 thought      husband and I always knew we wanted a family,  healthy and strong on the milk-based formula
                              we never defined the exact size, and since we are  detailed in Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fal-
                possible,  blessed by growing our family through adoption,  lon. The preparation and additions I made to the
                   and to     a little more thought goes into the “growing” pro-  formula changed a smidge since my description
                 practice     cess. But the time had come to take the plunge.  found in the FAQs on Homemade Baby Formula
                                  The first thing I did was to seek counsel from  article (

                patience.  friends with multiple children. I asked, “How  html) published close to four years ago. See my
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