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All Thumbs Book Reviews

          B  (although we don’t recommend taking isolated  has to hold up when wet or greasy, like French   After
          supplements). A big omission in Murphy’s book  fry bags and boxes, hamburger wrappers, pizza
          is a lack of discussion on the role of iodine in  boxes, etc.                        reading this
          protecting against fluoride, but as we have seen     Soy already has many strikes against it and   book, you will
          many times, the last, best defense against a toxic  this book points out a couple of them. One of   understand
          world is good nutrition.                  those strikes is that soy may be a fluoride con-
              Murphy goes into considerable detail about  centrator.                           why fluoride
          the effects of fluoride on various organs of the     What do Baycol, Fenfluramine (Fen/Phen),   is the poison
          body and the way it interferes with vitamins and  Dexfenfluramine, Vioxx®, Haloperidol (anti-  that the devil
          minerals. He reviews numerous animal studies.  psychotic), Prozac and about 30 percent (or more,
          He draws on studies from other countries where  depending on who you listen to) of all pharma-  personally
          it may be a little less politically incorrect to study  ceuticals have in common? If you’ve been paying   prefers.
          the negative effects of fluoride. He has a couple  attention, you probably know the answer even if
          of pages on the brilliant work of Dr. Phyllis Mul-  you’ve never heard of these drugs. They contain
          lenix, who studied the effect of fluoride on the  fluoride. Many of them have also been recalled
          brain (and who was a speaker at Wise Traditions  by the FDA. Methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug,
          2007).                                    is another example.
              Murphy also discusses how fluoride plays a     This book is loaded with good information
          role in mad cow disease. It is a major component  but it is not an easy read and does have a few
          of the organophosphate used to try to eradicate  flaws, so I’m giving it a qualified thumbs up.
          the warble fly in England. He refers to the ex-  There are enough typos to be slightly distract-
          cellent work of Mark Purdey in sorting out the  ing to me. Vitamin B  is referred to as cyano-
          real cause of mad cow disease. In Mr. Purdey’s  cobalamin, the potentially toxic form found in
          travels, he noticed factories putting fluoride into  most supplements. The methylcobalamin form
          the environment everywhere he found mad cow  is preferable. Murphy talks a little about the role
          disease or its equivalent in other species.  of Freon in thinning the ozone layer, which is
              Some people are aware that Teflon® is a  debatable at best. Nevertheless, after reading
          toxic fluoride product. What few know is that  this book, you will understand why fluoride is
          Teflon is now showing up in food packaging that  the poison that the devil personally prefers.
                                                                   Review by Tim Boyd

                               THE SLOW POISONING OF AMERICA by John E. Erb and T. Michelle Erb

               The Slow Poisoning of America provides an excellent compendium of studies showing the toxicity of MSG and its evil twin
           aspartame. MSG plays an important role in many of our modern illnesses—obesity, diabetes, vision problems, headaches,
           attention deficit disorder and autism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.
           Unfortunately the Erbs’ useful collection of references is followed by a diatribe against virulent E. coli in undercooked beef
           and raw milk, without any acknowledgement of the difference between industrial and grass-fed meat, or of the inherent
           safety system in raw milk. Most disappointing of all is their suggestion of melatonin supplements as the solution to the
           problems caused by MSG. Much better to avoid all processed food and build up natural defenses by consuming foods like
           raw milk and raw beef. Thumbs up for the first part of the book; for the rest, thumbs down.   Review by Sally Fallon

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