Page 56 - Winter2008
P. 56

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                              A Whole Foods Primer	and                   tomatoes, and of artichokes, which were con-
                              The Sweetener Trap & How to Avoid It       sidered suitable for banquets by wealthy ancient
                              By Beatrice Trum Hunter                    Romans. She refers to many studies explaining
                              Basic Health Publications, 2007            the health benefits of certain foods, such as why
                                                                         cranberries help with urinary tract problems.
                                  Beatrice Trum Hunter has been writing about     In the chapter on grains, Hunter explains
                              food and nutrition for over thirty years and now  what happened to grains with the advent of steel-
                              at the age of ninety, she is still going strong. The  rolling mills. Grains are praised for their health
                              fact that she has published two more books on  benefits but Hunter recognizes the fact that not
                              her favorite subject at an age when most of us  everyone can consume them. Regarding nuts, she
                              would be lulling our brains in quiet retirement is  offers a thorough summary of their variety. She
                              a tribute to her dedication to good health and the  praises nuts as a high-fat food and explains the
                              positive effects of a lifetime of careful eating.  benefits of nuts in heart health.
                                  Both A Whole Foods Primer: A Comprehen-     The protein section addresses amino acids
                              sive, Instructive, and Enlightening Guide to the  thoroughly, offers a good overview of the nu-
                              World of Whole Foods and The Sweetener Trap  tritional value of eggs and refutes many myths,
                              & How to Avoid It are thoroughly researched  such as the idea that we should discard the skin
                              and cover their topics extensively, giving the  of poultry. She covers organ and muscle meats,
                              historic and current use of a food, the benefits or  problems with soy foods and addresses the ques-
                              concerns it offers, and practical tips. Her points  tion of how much protein we actually need
                              are supported by many studies. These books are     Hunter has an interesting section on the ques-
                              good resources as well as enjoyable to read.   tion of which is safer, a wooden or plastic cutting
                                  A Whole Foods Primer has five chapters  board. Much to their surprise, researchers found
                              covering vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts  that wooden boards were more sanitary.
                              and seeds, and protein foods.                 Learning the history of many common foods
                                  Her primer offers practical points such as  helps us appreciate them not just for their nutri-
                              how to make vinegar easily and how to select  tional value but as a food that has been enjoyed
                              certain fruits and vegetables in the store. She  and useful to humans over countless years.
                              presents interesting details about the history of                (Continued on page 55)

         (Warrior Diet, continued from page 53)
         butter, all the recipes at the end of the book are low-fat, calling for lean  who actually wants to lose weight. Furthermore,
         cuts of meat, skinless chicken breast, non-fat cheeses and non-fat dry milk  for those of us not in the business of waging war,
         powder.                                                         but, say, raising children, it is a distinct advantage
             Hofmekler says his diet will work without the workout, but it is unclear  to nourish ourselves and our families with three
         how his method of eating is terribly different from calorie restriction, or  or even four satisfying meals during the day. Be-
         simply eating more healthy, nutrient-dense food. While his method could  ing slightly hungry all day is a good way to stay
         benefit an overweight, but otherwise healthy person, it could mean trouble  lean, mean and aggressive. . . and anti-social. For
         for someone with unstable blood sugar, or a family history of diabetes.  those who are healthy and looking for an edge,
         He correctly states that during fasting, insulin levels go down and growth  this diet could be modified to include high quality
         hormone is released. But he incorrectly states that insulin resistance is  saturated fats and soaked seeds, while omitting
         reduced during fasting, when in fact, numerous studies show that fasting  raw egg whites, but for the rest of us, it gets a
         increases insulin resistance.                                   thumbs down.
             Overall, the diet is interesting, but seems of limited value to anyone        Review by Selina Rifkin
         56                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2008
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