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                              The Devil’s Poison:                        anything, it does not exist in nature as fluorine,
                              How Fluoride is Killing You                but is combined with other elements in the form
                              By Dean Murphy, DDS                        of fluoride. In nature it is most commonly bonded
                              Trafford Publishing, 2008                  with calcium, and this compound appears to be
                                                                         relatively benign at least in trace amounts. The
                                  Fluoride is the most reactive element on the  form added to our water supplies, however, is
                              planet. It will even react with inert gas, which was  generally either sodium fluoride, which is toxic
                              once thought to be impossible, hence the term  and very bioavailable, or other compounds that
                              inert. It will spontaneously combust if exposed to  are even worse.
                              air. It is a key element in rocket propulsion and a     A simple carbon filter will not remove fluo-
                              byproduce of nuclear weapons manufacturing. Its  ride from your tap water. Since the typical shower
                              atomic nucleus is almost as small as hydrogen,  filter is just a carbon filter, this can be a problem.
                              allowing it to penetrate anywhere.         Fluoride can be absorbed through skin and lungs.
                                  In microscopic amounts fluoride will gradu-  So even though most people don’t drink their
                              ally but steadily interfere with a wide range of  shower water, they still take in the poison, pos-
                              metabolic functions causing slow deterioration  sibly in even greater amounts than when they
                              and breakdown. Victims will think they are just  drink it. Thus, one of the greatest advances in
                              getting old and not realize what is really going on.  hygiene in the 20th century has been turned into
                              Mental processes are impaired, creating a dumb-  a mixed blessing. Because fluoride has been so
                              ing down effect. Aggressive instincts, initiative  widely distributed in the water supply it is almost
                              and sex drive are all suppressed. And fluoride  inescapable. It has also widely infiltrated the food
                              is carcinogenic. It is a key component of nerve  supply. It’s enough to drive one to drink— prefer-
                              gases that can kill in such grotesque ways that I  ably something a little more alcoholic than water,
                              must refrain from describing them.         like wine. Oh yeah, wine has fluoride in it too,
                                  Fluoride is very versatile. It can kill you  especially if it’s American. So what do you do?
                              slowly, or it can kill you quickly, depending     Obviously, part of the answer is to avoid it
                              on dose. And it can kill anything—even cock-  as much as possible. Since that usually won’t
                              roaches. In the 17th and 18th centuries they had  be completely possible, other means of defense
                              a nickname for it: The Devil’s Poison.     would be nice. It turns out that vitamin C at least
                                  Today the pure elemental gas is known as  reduces some effects of fluorosis. B vitamins ap-
                              fluorine. Because it will react with pretty much  pear to also help, especially riboflavin or vitamin

                                          HEALING OUR CHILDREN by Ramiel Nagel

               Many of you recognize the name of Rami Nagel as a contributor of articles on sacred foods to Wise Traditions. Nagel
           has contributed his knowledge and his passion for the work of Dr. Price in this volume on feeding and nurturing children.
           And in addition to an extensive discussion of the work of Weston Price, Healing Our Children provides plenty of parent-
           ing advice. But parents will unlikely be challenged by behavior problems if they follow the dietary guidelines that Nagel
           provides. In contrast to so many books on child rearing and child nutrition, Nagel puts the emphasis where it belongs—on
           nutrient-dense foods rich in the fat-soluble activators, from organ meats to butter from grass-fed cows. An additional
           benefit is an excellent discussion of vaccination dangers. Thumbs up.          Review by Sally Fallon
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