Page 55 - Winter2008
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

          The Warrior Diet:                         is urged to consume vegetable juices either
          Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse      from a juicer or blender and light proteins, such
          For High Energy, Explosive Strength,      as yogurt, kefir or whole eggs. Live foods are
          and a Leaner, Harder Body                 emphasized for their enzymes, but Hofmekler
          By	Ori	Hofmekler                          never mentions the enzyme inhibitors found
          Blue	Snake	Books,	2nd	ed.,	2007           in some raw foods. Coffee is fine, as is lots of
                                                    water. While he calls this fasting, one could also
              Let’s be clear, the purpose of The Warrior  view it as a series of small meals, which is often
          Diet is not to lose weight. This way of eating is  recommended for weight-loss.
          largely directed at people who are already very     The evening feast has specific rules:
          active, and is about their feeling great and hav-
          ing their edges honed sharp. That being said, the  1.   Start with subtle-tasting foods and move to
          overweight person who chooses this diet would   stronger flavors.
          probably lose some of the extra pounds. But it’s  2.   Include a wide variety of tastes, colors and
          not easy. Hofmekler was a member of the Israeli   textures in your meal.
          Special Forces and still works out hard every day.  3.   Stop when you feel satiated or when you feel
          His methods are demanding even by the stan-   more thirsty than hungry.
          dards of experienced trainers and weight lifters,
          and he goes for the long, lean, functional body,     Hofmekler’s  diet  choices  are  generally
          rather than bulk. His exercise routine is detailed  WAPF-friendly, but with some glaring excep-
          in the book, but is not required for the diet.   tions. His “avoid” list includes refined flour and  Hofmekler
              The diet itself revolves around the idea that  sugar, margarine and hydrogenated oils, soy   says his diet
          our ancestors did not eat three square meals a  powders, commercial whey powders, too much   will work
          day. Hofmekler gives detailed accounts of what  polyunsaturated oil, and synthetic supplements,
          and when the Romans and Greeks ate, and their  but includes exaggerated concerns about mer- without the

          attitudes about food. He points out that hunter-  cury in fish oils. He loves juicing, but is clear that   workout,
          gatherers would have feasted on meat when  some vegetables need cooking—particularly the   but it is
          available, and that many generations of humans  cruciferous ones. He believes that meat should
          have experienced cycles of abundance and scar-  also be cooked for better assimilation. Except  unclear how
          city as far as food is concerned. The warrior diet  for salads, all evening vegetables should be   his method
          makes deliberate use of this pattern to stimulate  cooked.                           of eating is
          the body to heal and rejuvenate. The pattern of     Hofmekler highly recommends fermented
          eating is as important as the food choices.   foods of all kinds for their enzyme benefit, and  terribly
              The eating cycle Hofmekler advocates seems  is also fond of bone broth. He has nothing nice   different from
          at first to be in opposition to common dietary  to say about pasteurized dairy and cites raw milk   calorie
          advice: One eats very lightly during the day and  as beneficial. He has no objection to salt, but says
          heavily at night. The day-time regimen can be a  that sea salt is vastly better. However, Hofmekler  restriction, or
          pure fast of water only, but Hofmekler himself  also recommends raw nuts and seeds and loves   simply eating
          considers this to be extreme. One eats lightly  to eat unsweetened dry cereal at the end of the   more healthy,
          enough to still experience hunger, however; and  meal. And while he gives a qualified plug for
          unless one is an extreme athlete, carbohydrates  saturated fats and approves of butter and cocoa  nutrient-
          are not allowed. During the fasting period, one                  (Continued on page 54)  dense food.

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