Page 54 - Winter2008
P. 54

All Thumbs Book Reviews

                                  Fat is not only about saturated fat and cho-  that people whose weight hovers between corpu-
                              lesterol. Topics range from fat digestion and fat’s  lent and statistically obese live longer, and are
                              many vital functions in the body, to the anatomy  less likely to die from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
                              of body fat cells and their role in numerous health  infections and lung disease than their thin coun-
                              conditions, to the dangers of lowfat diets and  terparts. To the further chagrin of dieters, the
                              how man-made trans fats have infiltrated the  lowered risk of these diseases does not come at
                              processed food chain and become health-destroy-  the expense of an increased risk of cancer, heart
                              ers.                                       disease or diabetes. And fatter people may be
                                  Leas  helpfully  provides  straightforward  happier than thinner people, too.
                              explanations of often-confusing biochemical ter-     Fat: It’s Not What You Think makes a valu-
                              minology, such as triglycerides, omega-3, 6 and 9  able contribution to the growing literature that
                              fats, trans and cis fats, and polyunsaturated oils.  exposes the ways in which the modern, indus-
                              We frequently see and hear these terms bandied  trialized diet has led to widespread disease.
                              about in the media, but even though they seem  Just as important, Leas helps to resurrect fat’s
                              familiar from so much repetition, very few of  wrongfully besmirched reputation. In just over
                              us understand them very well. And sometimes  160 pages of text with more than 50 pages of
                              innocent nomenclature confuses matters even  references this clear, concise synopsis of in-
                              more. In the case of saturated fat, for example,  formation and research is a resource one will
                              Leas pauses to point out to the reader that these  reach for again and again. It would make a fine
                              fat molecules are saturated with hydrogen at-  introduction to the subject for the high school
                              oms, “not glop as we might imagine.” We are  student interested in biology and health. If you
                              conditioned to think “glop,” of course, because  have friends or family who are still terrified of fat
                              we have always heard the fear-inspiring “artery-  and don’t know that butter is better than canola
                              clogging” or “heart-stopping” precede “saturated  oil, this could be the book to convince them. If
                              fat” so many hundreds of times from purported  your doctor is threatening you with statin drugs
                              media “authorities.”                       to “cure” your “dangerous” cholesterol levels,
                                  Leas discusses recent research that reveals  Fat just might make him think twice. After all,
                              body fat to be now considered the largest en-  more than half the dry weight of our cerebral
                              docrine organ of the body, and elucidates the  cortex is cholesterol, and you can be proof of
               Fat would      multifarious effects of some of the many hor-  the fact that high serum cholesterol is associated
            make a fine       mones that body fat produces, such as leptin and  with faster mental processing.

           introduction       adiponectin. These hormones regulate appetite     Thanks to Connie Leas for tackling a con-
                              and fatty acid metabolism in the body, and play  troversial subject with common sense and good
         to the subject       important roles in relation to homeostasis, as well  humor, and creating a useful handbook on the
            for the high      as in obesity, diabetes and other disorders.   topic for a wide audience.
                                  The sections devoted to obesity and body fat
                                                                                    Reviewed by Katherine Czapp
                   school       contain many of the theories currently popular
                  student     on the roots of the obesity epidemic (processed
           interested in      industrial foods, ubiquity of corn syrup, demise
            biology and       of traditional family mealtimes, and so on). But
                              is it really so disastrous to be overweight or even
                  health.     obese? Paradoxically, there is mounting evidence

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