Page 63 - Winter2008
P. 63

Tim’s DVD Reviews

          realize. He refers briefly to the pioneering work  are getting more difficult and what ranchers are doing about it, the main
          of Dr. Bruce Lipton on that subject.      one being finding ways to get by on cheaper feed. One might wonder, with
              Dr. Hilgartner lists seven dynamics for good  some fear and trepidation, what are these cheaper options that are being
          health. They are genetics, structure, nutrition, ex-  used? That question is answered right up front. They are mixing corn silage
          ercise, rest, attitude and energetics. He goes into  with other fillers. Those fillers are potato chips and a chocolate blend that
          some detail in all of these, especially nutrition.  includes cocoa shells, M&Ms® and byproducts from Hershey and Mars.
          He has another list of seven things that should be  No, I’m not joking.
          followed in nutrition. A very good first point on     The reporter then quickly points out that cows don’t actually feed on
          the list is not to fall for the conventional wisdom  junk food naturally, but prefer grass. We are then transported one hundred
          against saturated fat. Other things on the list are  miles north to a farm that practices rotational grazing. The two approaches
          to eat live food, avoid hydrogenated food, avoid  are compared and the pros and cons discussed. It takes longer for grass-fed
          high-fructose corn syrup, avoid aspartame, and  cattle to reach mature weight and requires more land. Less than 10 percent
          avoid MSG.                                of cattle in the U.S. are grass-fed. On the other hand, grass-fed is more
              For those looking for detailed exercise tips  nutritious and doesn’t need petroleum-based fertilizer for all that corn. This
          there is a companion DVD called Spinal Hygiene.  video presents both methods without really passing judgment on either one,
          Thumbs up for this video.                 but all the key facts are there for a person to make an informed choice. It
                                                    is surprisingly good for something from the mainstream. I give it a thumbs
          The Cost of Corn-fed Cattle               up.
          by Matt Rivera
          reporting for the Wall Street Journal     Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Re-
          Video link:  serve University with a degree in computer engineering and worked in the
          link/bcpid452319854/bctid1667996405       defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. During that time,
                                                    a slight case of arthritis led him to discover that nutrition makes a differ-
              This online video (just 3 1/3 minutes) starts  ence and nutrition became a serious hobby. After a pleasant and satisfying
          off at the Nissley Brothers Ranch in southern  run in the electronics field, he decided he wanted to do something more
          Pennsylvania. The main point of the story is  important. He is now arthritis free and enjoying his dream job working for
          about how the economics of feedlot operations  the Weston A. Price Foundation.

                                     CHOLESTEROL – VILLAIN OR HERO? by Chris Masterjohn
                             Audio recording available from Wolf River Naturals,

                Anyone who knows the medical industry knows it considers cholesterol public enemy number one. Anyone who knows
            the Weston A. Price Foundation knows we strongly disagree. If you don’t know why and you want to, get this MP3 audio.
            One hour and 46 minutes later, you will know why. Mr. Masterjohn starts off fast by introducing us to Smith-Lemli-Opitz
            syndrome (SLOS), a genetic disorder in which the victim is unable to produce enough cholesterol for normal growth and
            development. Symptoms include failure to grow, autism, hyperactivity, deformities, increased risk of suicide and so on.
            The treatment, naturally, is to eat cholesterol.
                Masterjohn moves on to explain why different people can look at the same studies and come to different conclusions.
            The Framingham study is a good example. He examines a well-known graph which was incorrectly done in a way that is
            very misleading. Rabbit studies are also not convincing because rabbits are not good models of human metabolism. Ancel
            Keys’ Six-Country Study is a good example of deception by cherry-picking. A few other highlights include a mention of
            the Business Week article based on recently released studies indicating that statin drugs are ineffective at preventing heart
            attacks. Masterjohn also discusses the well-documented conflict of interest at the FDA. There are a few moments where
            the listener may wish it was possible to see the slides he refers to but this easily rates a thumbs up. This recording will help
            cure any cholesterol phobia you may be suffering from.

          WINTER 2008                                Wise Traditions                                           63
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