Page 72 - Winter2008
P. 72

NAIS Update

                                         THE GOVERNMENT’S DOUBLESPEAK
                                                   By Judith McGeary

                                  The USDA’s implementation of the National  state programs, data mining efforts and other
                              Animal Identification System, or NAIS, has  non-voluntary methods of getting people into
                              taken government doublespeak to a new level.  NAIS. Throughout this process, USDA officials
                              For newcomers, NAIS is an agribusiness-gov-  have made statements along the lines of: “People
                              ernment plan to require every person who owns  are overreacting. You shouldn’t rely on what
                              any livestock animal to submit to extensive  the documents say, you should ask us what we
                              government regulation and surveillance. The  meant.”
                              NAIS would cover anyone who owns even one     In  the  course  of  the  last  two  years,  the
                              chicken, horse, cow, sheep, goat, pig, turkey,  USDA’s mis-use of the word “voluntary” has
                              guinea, elk, deer, bison, or other livestock or  been  amply  demonstrated.  Wisconsin  and
                              poultry. The first step is registration of one’s  Indiana have openly mandated premises reg-
                              property with the state and federal governments.  istration, while other states have used creative
                              The next phases of NAIS call for tagging each  coercive tactics. Tennessee and North Carolina
              Judith McGeary
             is an attorney and   animal with a 15-digit identification number, in  state agriculture departments denied drought-
               small farmer in   most cases using electronic identification, and  stricken farmers disaster relief if they were not
             Austin, Texas, the   reporting their movements to a database within  registered in NAIS. Children were kicked out of
            Executive Director   24 hours. Large factory farms would be able to  the Colorado state fair for not being registered.
                       of the   avoid most of the labor and expense by using  Ranchers in Idaho found themselves registered
              Farm and Ranch   group identification. But the burdens for small  in NAIS without their knowledge or consent after
            Freedom Alliance,   farmers, in both time and money, would drive  filling out paperwork to keep their rights to their
                  and a local   many grass-based farmers out of business, and  brands, while horse owners in New York were
                chapter leader
                    of WAPF.   consumers would lose much of their access to  similarly registered after taking their horses in
               She has a BS in   nutrient-dense animal foods.            for routine disease testing.
                 biology from                                               The  USDA  took  another  step  along  its
            Stanford University   HOW DO YOU DEFINE “VOLUNTARY?”         twisted path this fall, issuing a memo to its Vet-
             and a JD from the      The USDA’s original plan for NAIS, released  erinary Services Management Team that requires
          University of Texas at  in May 2005, called for the program to become  NAIS premises registration for various disease
            Austin. She and her   mandatory after an initial voluntary period. In  program activities. The memo includes activities
                husband run a  fact, the first two stages—premises registration  such as vaccinations, testing, and applying of-
             small grass-based
            farm with Quarter   and animal identification—were supposed to  ficial ear tags, for programs for every livestock
                Horses, cattle,   become mandatory in January 2008, followed by  species, ranging from brucellosis to scrapies to
            sheep and heritage   animal tracking in January 2009. When a public  equine infectious anemia. Under this memo,
          breeds of poultry. For   outcry ensued, the USDA changed the timeline  people who refuse to have their farms registered
             more information  and called for “100% voluntary participation,” an  would be registered against their will. Animal
              about NAIS and   absurd concept. Chastised yet again by animal  owners who take government-required steps,
              what you can do   owners, the USDA then stated, in November  such as testing and vaccinating their animals,
               to stop it, go to   2007, that NAIS was “voluntary at the federal  would find themselves enrolled in the NAIS
          level.” At the same time, the USDA issued guide-  premises registration database with or without
                       or call   lines for funding states that implemented NAIS.  their consent.
             1-866-687-6452.   The USDA stated that it would fund mandatory     USDA has failed to follow any of the admin-
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