Page 77 - Winter2008
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The agency placed an embargo on the cows at the     Judge Strombom saw the case brought by
          farm that lasted over a year, costing the Puck-  FDA and the U.S. Attorney for the unwarranted
          etts around $15,000 in feed bills before WSDA  agenda-driven prosecution that it was. After three
          finally gave the couple permission to slaughter  years of undeserved persecution and harassment
          the cows. In addition, the agency levied $8000  by the state and federal government as well as
          in fines against the couple. It took two years for  by local media, the Pucketts had at last received
          the Pucketts to resolve their case with WSDA.  some measure of justice. Hopefully, they will be
              Unfortunately for the couple, some of their  able to carry on with their lives in peace. Today
          shareholders were from Oregon. Not missing an  the Plunketts hold nine different permits from
          opportunity to create a chilling effect on farmers  WSDA, including permits to sell raw milk and
          producing raw milk, FDA was able to convince  raw cheese.
          the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Western District
          of Washington to launch a criminal investigation  NEW YORK:
          of the couple for violations of the Federal Food,  MEADOWSWEET DAIRY
          Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) in the fall of     On November 18, 2008, Albany County
          2007. Faced with indictment by a grand jury and  Supreme Court Judge John C. Egan, Jr. dismissed
          worn out by the ordeal with the State of Wash-  the petition of Meadowsweet Dairy, LLC, for a
          ington, the Pucketts accepted a plea bargain from  declaratory judgment that the LLC’s distribution
          the U.S. Attorney proposing that each plead guilty  of raw dairy products to its members was not
          to one count of distributing adulterated food in  subject to state regulation [see Wise Traditions,
          interstate commerce. The public defenders repre-  Winter 2007 through Fall 2008 issues for back-
          senting the Pucketts and the U.S. Attorney agreed  ground on this case]. In holding that the dairy was
          on a sentence of a $250 fine and a minimum of  under the regulatory authority of New York State
          one year probation for each defendant.    Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYS-
              At the sentencing hearing on September  DAM), the judge also denied Meadowsweet
          5, 2008, Federal Magistrate Judge Karen L.  Dairy’s motion for a preliminary injunction to
          Strombom rejected the plea bargain that had  prohibit NYSDAM from “conducting any further
          been struck, giving each defendant the following  inspections, issuing any further search warrants,
          sentence: no fine, no probation, and six months  and taking any further administrative, civil or
          to pay a mandatory $25 court assessment fee.  criminal actions against the plaintiffs” during the
          In  pronouncing  sentence  on  the  defendants,  course of the litigation between the two parties.
          the judge said their guilty plea was “sufficient     The case turned primarily on whether the
          punishment.” She stated, “I don’t see how we  LLC members were to be considered as “consum-
          accomplish anything by having these two people  ers” under the law. Under state regulation anyone
          put on probation. I just don’t get it.”   who sells, offers for sale or “otherwise makes
              Nancy Tenney, the public defender represent-  available raw milk for consumption by consum-
          ing Anita, had done research and found that the  ers” is required to get a permit. The definition   Judge
          U.S. Attorney’s office for the Western District  of “consumer” that Judge Egan adopted was so   Strombom
          of Washington had not taken on a single food  broad that even someone keeping a family cow   saw the case
          adulteration case going back at least eight years.  would be required to obtain a permit. In ruling
          In the mid-nineties, when three children in that  that the LLC members were “consumers,” the   brought by
          district had died (and hundreds of people had  judge found that Steve and Barbara Smith (the   FDA and the
          become sick) from consuming the undercooked  farmers and member-managers of the LLC) were   U.S. Attorney
          meat from the Jack-in-the-Box food chain, this  required to obtain a raw milk permit. In addition,
          same office did not bring any criminal charges  the judge found that the Smiths were required to   for the
          against the chain for causing the foodborne out-  obtain a milk plant permit if they wanted to sell   unwarranted
          break, despite a finding by the Washington State  dairy products other than milk. The milk plant   agenda-driven
          Department of Public Health that Jack-in-the-Box  permit would do the Smiths little good because
          had clearly violated federal food safety standards  it only allows the sale of pasteurized dairy prod-  prosecution
          by its practice of undercooking meat.     ucts.                                      that it was.

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