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purchased from HFD on August 30 tested posi-  both specific and general deterrence are in play. The punishment imposed
          tive for campylobacter. This was the only milk  must serve as notice to others that similar actions will not be tolerated and
          tested from which Trent was unable to get a split  will attract meaningful punishment. To do otherwise threatens the integrity
          sample. Given the various possible ways it could  of the court’s process.”
          have been contaminated, this sample would not     The judge also commented, “The contemptuous breach of the order
          have held up as evidence in a court of law. There  accordingly involves an issue of public health and safety and this too is an
          was never any link established between the milk  aggravating factor.” Yet at the contempt trial Schmidt was not permitted to
          from the dairy and the campylobacter infection  bring up the issue of raw milk and the public health. Following the sentence,
          suffered by those who became ill.         Schmidt sent a letter to his shareholders, friends and supporters. In his let-
              The suspension hurt HFD tremendously.  ter Schmidt pointed out that “man-made law is no law if it disrespects the
          Retail sales at the dairy were down by at least  fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals which are deeply rooted
          20 percent compared to sales levels before the  in the Canadian Charter of Rights and the Bill of Rights.”
          suspension. At the present time, Trent has not     Schmidt said he did not “accept” Boswell’s ruling because he believes
          yet decided whether to sue PDA for the damage  that the York Region cooperated with the Ministry of Natural Resources to
          done to the farm’s reputation and business.  use the contempt trial in order to deny him a fair hearing and due process
                                                    in his upcoming trial on twenty violations of the Ontario Health Promotion
          ONTARIO, CANADA: MICHAEL SCHMIDT          Protection Act and the Ontario Milk Act. The charges were brought by the
              On October 20, 2008, Justice R. Cary Bo-  Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the Grey-Bruce Health Unit.
          swell of the Newmarket Superior Court found  The trial is scheduled to begin on January 26, 2009.
          Michael Schmidt guilty of contempt for failing     As for what the $55,000 judgment means to the farm, Schmidt gave the
          to obey a court order to stop “selling” raw milk  following comparisons, stating that the sum was equivalent to the cost of
          in the York Regional Municipality. The court had  “27,500 litres of raw milk. . . the cost of 22 acres which can feed about 50
          characterized Schmidt’s distribution of raw milk  families. . . 10 years of net income (if you’re lucky) in farming. . . 25,000
          to his shareholders in the cow share program he  hours of farm work in Canada.” Schmidt told Bayshore Broadcasting News
          operates as a “sale” [see the Fall 2008 issue of  that he would not pay the fine and court costs.
          Wise Traditions for background]. Boswell said     In fighting for his right to distribute raw milk to his shareholders,
          that the case was about whether Schmidt had  Schmidt has become outspoken in his criticism of Ontario’s dairy estab-
          defied a court ruling, not whether consumers had  lishment. He has called for the scrapping of the province’s Milk Marketing
          the right to drink raw milk. The judge indicated  Board, saying that it failed its legislative mandate to protect small-scale
          that the farmer had convicted himself with media  farming. He has expressed his intent to pursue legal action against Dairy
          comments that he was still “selling” raw milk.  Farmers of Ontario (DFO), the organization that regulates the supply of
              Schmidt asked the judge to impose “the high-  milk. According to Schmidt, DFO has stone-walled his request on looking
          est penalty you can find.” The farmer stated, “It’s  into how raw milk could be sold in the province, violating its mandate to
          not the milk here, it’s the principle that people  carry out research for “policy development and formation.” (Sources: The
          need to make the decision of what to put in their  Toronto Star – HealthZone 10/20/08 & Canadian Press 11/18/08. For more
          bodies. When government tells them what to eat  details on Schmidt’s case go to
          and not eat, that’s a very sacred thing.”
              Crown prosecutor Dan Kuzmyk suggested  For the latest developments on the cases covered in this update, go to www.
          the court fine Schmidt $5000 and assess him Those who have not joined the Farm-to-Consumer
          $53,000 for legal bills run up by the York Region.  Legal Defense Fund are encouraged to do so. Membership applications
          Kuzmyk said that he was unwilling to let Schmidt  are available online at or by calling (703) 208-
          become a martyr and “throw himself on the sword  FARM (3276); the mailing address is 8116 Arlington Blvd, Suite 263, Falls
          of the York Region.”                      Church, VA 22042.
              On  December  2  Justice  Boswell  served
          Schmidt  a  written  notification  of  sentence.
          Boswell gave Kuzmyk what he wanted, fining
          the farmer $5000 and assessing him $50,000 in
          court costs. In making his ruling, Boswell stated,
          “The primary purpose of punishment in contempt
          proceedings is deterrence. In this case, issues of

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