Page 78 - Winter2008
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The judge’s ruling is ominous for those in New York who want to  infection among raw milk drinkers “in seven
         produce raw milk for a living. Inspectors for NYSDAM have been open  unrelated households in Pennsylvania and a
         about the department’s desire to get rid of raw milk. The good news is there  neighboring state.” On September 11, the PDA
         is a move underway to introduce a bill that would legalize the unlicensed,  came to obtain samples of milk from HFD. On
         unregulated sale of raw milk by farmers direct to consumers.    that day the agency asked Trent to voluntarily
                                                                         suspend sales of raw milk; Trent refused and re-
         CALIFORNIA:SB 201                                               quested that the state not issue any press release
             On September 30, 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed  until the test results were known. Ultimately, the
         SB 201 [see the Fall 2008 issue of Wise Traditions for background on this  agency took ten milk samples from the farm. To
         bill]. In vetoing the bill the governor gave short shrift to the tremendous  verify the accuracy of PDA’s testing, Trent took
         support shown the bill in the legislature. SB 201 had passed unanimously  a split sample of each sample taken by PDA and
         (66 to 0) in the General Assembly and by a 31 to 4 margin in the Senate.   sent them to an independent lab for testing.
             SB 201 would have given raw milk licensees the option of undergo-     On September 12, PDA delivered a letter to
         ing rigorous pathogen testing and maintaining an individualized HACCPP  Trent officially suspending his sales. The permit
         (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points plan) identifying and monitoring  suspension letter stated, “The presence of the dis-
         each critical point of raw milk production. Producers choosing this op-  ease-producing organism Campylobacter in raw
         tion would not be subject to the unreasonable coliform count requirement  milk from Hendricks Farms and Dairy operation
         mandated by AB 1735.                                            renders that milk unsafe, and is a violation of the
             The statement issued by Schwarzenegger in support of his veto looks  requirement of the Milk Sanitation Law….” Ac-
         like it was written by the California Department of Food and Agriculture  cording to a guidance document issued by PDA,
         (CDFA). In his statement the governor claimed that the state’s two raw  the agency must give a raw milk licensee at least
         milk dairies have been operating successfully under AB 1735, ignoring the  five days advanced written notice of a raw milk
         fact that both dairies have failed the coliform requirement on numerous  permit suspension. The only way the agency can
         occasions. They live with the ever-present threat of suspension from three  legally suspend a licensee’s sales before that time,
         over-the-limit counts out of five tests, thus jeopardizing the dairies’ abil-  other than the farmer agreeing to a voluntary
         ity to remain in business. His statement also noted that AB 1735 passed  suspension, is through a court order. PDA’s sus-
         the legislature unanimously, not mentioning that the bill was put on the  pension letter to HFD on September 12 violated
         consent calendar as a non-controversial measure and neither licensed raw  its own guidelines. [This was a busy day for the
         milk dairy (Organic Pastures and Claravale) was notified of its existence  agency—that morning Bill Chirdon, Director of
         until after it was passed.                                      PDA’s Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory
             State Senator Dean Flores, Chairman of the Senate Agriculture Com-  Services, and other agency employees raided
         mittee and principal sponsor of SB 201, has expressed his intent to introduce  Newville farmer Mark Nolt for a third time, once
         raw milk legislation again for the 2009 legislative session which begins in  again confiscating thousands of dollars worth of
         January.                                                        food. See the Fall 2008 issue of Wise Traditions
                                                                         for background on Nolt.]
         PENNSYLVANIA: HENDRICKS FARM & DAIRY                               The afternoon of September 12, the Penn-
             Hendricks Farm and Dairy (HFD) is a grass-based organic raw milk  sylvania Department of Health issued a press
         dairy in Telford. The dairy boasts a state-of-the-art facility and has an impec-  release advising consumers “who purchased raw
         cable track record with not a single positive pathogen test during its seven  milk from Hendricks Farm & Dairy of Telford,
         years of being licensed to sell raw milk. The Pennsylvania Department of  Montgomery County, to immediately discard the
         Agriculture (PDA) has even sent people wanting to start a raw milk dairy  raw milk and any items made with the raw milk
         to HFD to learn how to set one up the proper way. In addition to selling  due to potential bacterial contamination.” Even
         around 500 gallons of milk each week, the dairy also produces and sells  though there was no record of anyone getting
         raw milk cheese. HFD’s cheeses have won several American Cheese So-  sick from “any items made with the raw milk,”
         ciety awards. What HFD owners, Trent and Rachel Hendricks, found out  the advisory warned consumers to get rid of the
         this past summer was that all of this meant nothing when the dairy came  farm’s raw milk cheeses as well.
         under suspicion by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and PDA as     PDA lifted the suspension on September
         being the cause of a foodborne illness outbreak.                19. All ten milk samples taken from the farm
             Between September 1st and the 12th, 2008, the Pennsylvania Depart-  tested negative for campylobacter; an eleventh
         ment of Health identified a total of seven confirmed cases of campylobacter  sample taken from an open container of milk
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