Page 81 - Winter2008
P. 81

Local Chapters

                                         WAPF CONFERENCE CHAPTER MEETING NOTES
                                                     NOVEMBER 10, 2008

              About sixty chapter leaders gathered for the traditional  with the Cornucopia Institute on several initiatives, including
          post-conference chapter leaders meeting at the Hyatt Re-  an effort to rescind pasteurization requirements for organic
          gency San Francisco Airport Hotel. After everyone introduced  almonds.
          themselves, Michael Schmidt spoke briefly about the key role     Larry Wisch reported on the latest news from Three Stone
          women play in bringing about change. He praised the postive  Hearth community kitchen. Business has been good despite
          female energy in the Real Milk campaign and the Weston A.  the slow economy, and they recently had the best month ever.
          Price Foundation. Sally Fallon followed up with comments that  They have never advertised. They are currently serving 300
          the scientific male energy must be joined to the female energy  families per week. They have had people from all over the US
          in order for raw milk and our dietary message to be success-  come to intern at Three Stone Hearth. Their lease will expire
          ful. She noted the various compilations of scientific studies at  in June 2009 and they are going to have to move. Larry sees
 and urged chapter leaders to become familiar  this as an opportunity to upgrade to a better place.
          with them.                                               Next, Lenna Knowlton, director of Meals that Heal gave
              Jeffrey  Smith  spoke  next  about  successful  tactics  for  her report. She had a surprise baby at 44 years old and devel-
          activism, especially relating to GMO issues. The most power-  oped lupus after the delivery. She was able to recover thanks
          ful tactic is simply to refuse to buy GMO food. Health food  to eating according to WAPF principles. For those who are
          stores can also be important allies. Even one major religious  intimidated by the hefty Nourishing Traditions, she has come
          group against GMOs would                                                           out with a simplified ver-
          be  enough  to  put  an  end                                                       sion of the book. For truly
          to GMO food. Tremendous                                                            healthy eating, she made
          resources are available from                                                       a few simple suggestions:
          www.responsibletechnology.                                                         buy good stuff; if it says
          org. He stressed that getting                                                      it’s  healthy,  it  probably
          rid of GMOs should be easy                                                         isn’t.
          and he expects to be out of a                                                            Shan Kendall offers
          job in about a year. His anti-                                                     cooking  classes  in  Ne-
          GMO  campaign  is  a  good                                                         vada City. She is the Gold
          activity for chapter leaders.                                                      Country  chapter  leader.
              Mark  Kastel  from  the                                                        She has been very active
          Cornucopia  Institute  spoke                                                       and  busy.  Through  an
          next about the fundamental                                                         excellent Powerpoint pre-
          mistakes that modern agricul-                                                      sentation, she gave every-
          ture is making. Soil is quickly                                                    one a good idea of how
          depleted, microbes are killed                                                      much  work  goes  into  a
          and there is no incentive for                                                      cooking class. Her classes
          quality.  Farmers  are  con-                                                       focus on the basics, such
          vinced  that  conventional                                                         as  lacto-fermentation,
          techniques are the only way                                                        broth, grain preparation
          to farm. Even when they convert to organic they can’t believe  and organ meats. She has also held potlucks, workshops, and
          they don’t need antibiotics. The industry is bankrupting the  sponsored an appearance by Jeffrey Smith. Her Powerpoint
          US. We are told we have the cheapest and safest food supply  and class materials will be posted on the chapter leader re-
          in the world but that is offset by the most expensive health  source section at
          care in the world. We are not the healthiest population in the     After lunch, four focus groups were formed. One group
          world by a long shot. He ended up with some practical advice  talked about the upcoming chapter leader handbook, an-
          on how chapter leaders can create their own media events,  other was on spreading the word about GMO food, another
          dinners with local farmers, maintain a chapter website or a  on cooking classes and the fourth on one-on-one recruiting.
          newsletter. The Weston A. Price Foundation has partnered  Afterwards, everyone went out to change the world.

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