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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

            Farm Products by State                                                 Farm Products by State
         CA                                    We encourage our readers to      NJ
         Grass-fed,  ranch-raised  natural  light  beef.  obtain as much of their food as   Fresh Vital Foods from fertile soil. A natural
         Locally  ranch-raised,  in  Orange  County,   possible from            function of soil, sun, rain, and compost and
         California. No additives or preservatives. Not                         traditional, sustainable farming. Brown eggs
         available in stores delivered to your door.   small farms and          with  orange  yokes  from  chickens  on  grass
         Frozen in 1 1/2 pound packages. (714) 749-  independent businesses.    pasture.  Seasonal  vegetables  and  Native
         5717, 5Bar Beef.              10/2                                     American fruits & nuts: Persimmon, Pawpaw,
                                                                                Black  Walnut,  Hazelnut.  River  Birch  Micro
         DC                                 MD                                  Farm,19 Forman Ave Monroe Township, New
         CSA: Hi-Brix, nutritionally dense, biodynami-  Organically  raised  grass-fed  beef,  free-  Jersey 08831 (732) 605-0444.     10/3
         cally  grown  kitchen  vegetables,  grass-fin-  range eggs, pastured chicken. Pick up from
         ished beef, pastured pork, broilers and eggs.   Potomac, Buckeystown or Emmitsburg (beef   Biodynamic raw milk available through herd-
         Openings for 2007 season in DC Metro area.   only).  No  hormones,  antibiotics,  or  animal
         Contact Allan Balliett, info@freshandlocalcsa.  parts  are  fed.  Beef  never  fed  grain.  Nick’s   lease  program.  Also  pastured  chickens  and
                                                                                fresh  eggs  available.  Pleroma  Farm,  Arthur
         com  (304)876-3382,  www.freshandlocalcsa.  Organic Farm, Quality Organic Products since
         com.                         *10/4  1979, Nick Maravell, (301) 983-2167, nickma-  Lups, Hudson, NY (518) 828-1966.    10/3
         IL                                                                     Certified  organic  grass-fed  dairy.  Raw  milk
         COME TO OUR FARM - Healthy, FAT, beef &   MI                           cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream
         pork, born and raised certified organic - no   Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy,   etc.  from  Jersey  cows.  Eggs  from  pastured
         nitrates. Sides or cuts (as available) plus many   happy  animals,  lovingly  cared  for  just  as   chickens. Grassfed beef, pork, chicken, rabbit
         other  healthy  foods.  Chapter  Leaders  Dale   Mother  Nature  intended,  which  provide   and turkey. Long Island drop. (717) 768-3437
         Kelsey  -  sustainable  producer  receiving  no   high-energy,  nutritious  and  delicious  food   Pleasant Pasture Organic Acres.     9/4
         government funds, no grants, no subsidies,   for health-conscious individuals. No antibiot-
         & Eileen Kelsey, CHom. incorporating WAPF   ics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our animals!   PA
         Nutrition  with  Classical  Homeopathy  (815)-  (616)  837-9226,   Bareville Creamery 100% Grassfed offers cul-
         239-1466.                     10/3                                9/4  tured butter and farmstead cheese. We ship
                                            MN                                  to you! Or visit our farm to pick up. Special
         IN                                 Farm On Wheels offers animals raised green   price  on  Fall  2006  butter.  Call  for  prices.
         Raw milk cheeses, grassfed beef, veal, whey-  grass-fed & certified organic. Nutrient-dense   Daniel Zook, Leola, (717) 656-4422.    9/4
         fed  pork.  Also,  a  variety  of  fresh  raw  dairy
         products available as “pet food”. 100% pas-  beef,  lamb,  chicken,  eggs,  turkey,  goose,   Certified Organic Dairy. Raw milk cheese pas-
                                            duck,  pork,  lard,  butter.  No  corn  or  soy.
         turefed cows. NO hormones, pesticides, anti-                           tured chickens,turkeys, pigs, 100% grass-fin-
         biotics used. Available from the Yegerlehner’s   Farmers Market year around in St. Paul, Prior   ished beef, beef & chicken broth. Call for more
         “The Swiss Connection”. (812)939-2813 www.  Lake, Northfield, Just Food. Linda (507) 789-  information (717) 786-8093, Green Hills Farm,,Clay City, IN. 9/4   6679,  10/1  John & Annie Esh, Quarryville, PA.    11/4
         MA                                 Nutrient-rich  summer-gold  butter  and   Certified  organic  grass-fed  dairy.  Raw  milk
         Babcia’s  Farm.  Cerified  organic  pastured   cheese  from  PastureLand  Cooperative.  Our   cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream
         chickens,  turkeys,  eggs  and  vegetables.  products  are  made  from  the  milk  of  100%   etc.  from  Jersey  cows.  Eggs  from  pastured
         Sourdough  breads  and  other  whole  grain   grass-fed cows grazing certified organic pas-  chickens. Grass-fed beef, pork, chicken, rab-
         baked  goods,  lacto-fermented  sauerkraut   tures  in  southeastern  Minnesota.  Shipping   bit and turkey. Call for information. Will ship.
         and  kombucha.  Lard  and  more.  All  poultry   available. (888) 331-9115 for more informa-  (717)  768-3437  Pleasant  Pasture  Organic
         must be pre-ordered. Visit our farm shop or   tion.     9/4  Acres.              10/4
         Hardwick Farmer’s Market. Contact Melanie
         at (978) 355-4053.           10/1

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