Page 93 - Winter2008
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

             Farm Products by State
                                             TN                                  LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, raw, certi-
          Grassfed  Organic  Raw  Milk  and  dairy  food:   We are a family farm offering all-natural, deli-  fied organic, locally-grown. Dill pickles, sau-
          100%  grass-finished  beef  and  lamb,  pas-  cious, grass-fed lamb, pork, beef and, chicken.   erkraut, kimchi, ginger carrots. Sold/Shipped
          tured pork, chicken and turkey, wild Alaskan   We  now  offer  Jersey  heifers  for  family  milk   within Northeast only. See website for store
          salmon;  fermented  vegetables,  raw  honey,   cows  (gentle!!)  Call  (866)  866-3287.  Ask  for   list and mail order info. Contact: Real Pickles,
          maple  syrup  and  more,  Long  Island  drop,   Justin  or  Liberty  or  email:  topoftheworld-  PO Box 40, Montague, MA 01351, (413) 863-
          Paradise  Pastures,  Paradise,  PA  717-687-        9/4  9063,, info@realpickles.
          6346.                        10/3                                      com.                          10/1
          Pasture-raised  raw  milk  and  dairy  foods.   Manassas  Milk  Project  has  raw  milk  shares   LACTO-FERMENTED  VEGETABLES,  cultured,
          Also chicken, turkey, veal and beef. Nature’s   available.  Milk  is  from  your  own  pastured   100% organic, by Immunitrition. Three deli-
          Sunlight  Farm,  Mark  and  Maryann  Nolt,   Jersey cow. Western View Farm, Call Martha   cious, raw blends − Garden, Sea & Sunshine.
          Newville, PA, (717) 776-3417.      9/4  Bender (540) 788-9663.       9/4  Ships throughout USA via UPS. Available in
                                                                                 32 oz. jars or try our Cultured Veggie Taste
          Raw Dairy Products from our grassfed Jersey   Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar   Tester  with  bonus  pumpkin  oil  &  sea  salt.
          cows.  Eggs  from  our  free-range  pastured   beef,  pigaerator  pork,  pastured  chickens,   (877)  773-9229,
          chickens. Beef from our own beef cows. Pork   turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits.   10/2
          from  our  own  pigs.  Running  Water  Farm,   Near  Staunton.  Some  delivery  available.
          Isaac & Mattie King, 1238 Clay Rd. Lititz, PA-  Call (540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.   10/3  SPELT.   Organically   grown.   Traditional
          17543, (717) 627-3177.        11/4                                     Oberkulmer Variety. Our spelt is grown by a
                                             WI                                  certified  organic  farmer. We  ship  anywhere
                                             Certified,  Organic,  soy-free  dairy,  raw  milk
          There’s  a  NEW  source  for  grass-fed  meats                         in the US. We sell by the pound. Contact the
          in  the  Susquenhanna  Valley!  Owens  Farm   cheese,  cultured  butter,  cream,  yogurt,   Plain Grain Co. LLC for details: www.carasma-
          moved  from  New  Hampshire  last  summer.   cottage  cheese,  colostrum.  Also  full  line  of,   cara@carasmater-
          Offering  grass-fed  lamb,  pastured  pork,   grass-fed beef, pastured chicken, turkey and  (248)628-8646  (paypal
          meadow-raised  chicken,  happy  veal  raised   free-range  eggs.  Raw  honey,  maple  syrup,   accepted).          10/2
          on a momma cow. Visit Owens Farm www.  and  extra  virgin  organic  coconut  oil  also   Services
 Sunbury, PA (570) 286-5309.   available.  Will  Ship.  Grazin  Acres  LLC  (608)
                                             727-2632 located 1 hr NW of Madison.   10/3
          10/3                                      REMODELING. Michael’s Remodelling, kitchen
                                                                                 and bath design, basements, kitchens, decks.
          Raw Dairy Products from our 100% grass-fed   Nourishing Foods          Serving Northern Virginia for 17 years. Michael
          Jerseys.  Free-range,  grass-fed,  chicken,  tur-                      Meredith (703) 764-956, Michaelsremodeling.
          keys. Suckling veal, whey-fed pork, lard. We   BUTTER.  Amazing  Grazed  Real  Butter!  Step   com    10/3*

                                             back  in  time  to  the  way  butter  was  meant

          do  not  use  hormones  or  antibiotics.  Shady   to be! Rich, creamy butter and heavy cream
          Acres,  Glenn  Wise,  8514  Elizabethtown                                    Healthy Products
          Rd.  Elizabethtown,  PA,  17022,  Shipping   from  our  pasture-based  certified  organic
          Available. (717) 361-1640.       10/3  dairy, butter $12/#, 40 pounds or more $10/#.   BABY PRODUCTS. Cloth diapering, slings, cart
                                             Also, organic grass-fed lard, beef, lamb and   covers,  pure  herbs,  Nature’s  Sunshine  vita-
                                             pork. Shipping available. Green Hills Harvest
                                                                                 mins  and  much  more.  Certified  nutritional
          Raw milk from 100% grass-fed cows, yogurt,   (660) 244-5858.          9/4  consulting  available.  carasmaternalconnec-
          eggs from free range chickens, 100% grass-
          fed  beef  and  raw  milk  cheese.  Ira  &  Mary   COCONUT  OIL.  Nature’s  Blessing  -  USDA,  cara@carasmaternalconnections.
          Beiler. 570-278-5881         10/3  certified  organic.  Discovered  on  my  recent   com (248) 628-8646 (paypal accepted). 10/2
                                             trip to the Philippines, this oil is wonderful!   CURE  FOR  TOOTH  DECAY.  At  last,  the  real
          Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys,   Coconuts are grown and processed on site   truth about your teeth. How to prevent and
          made on our family farm with Celtic seasalt.   within 8 hours, cold-pressed. The oil is clear
          No grain fed. Also grass-fed beef and lamb   with  a  wonderful  mild  flavor.  Carrie  Hahn,   halt  cavities  for  life.  Utilize  the  wisdom  of
          and pastured chickens, turkeys and eggs. No   WAPF chapter leader (412) 531-4485. 10/3  Weston Price and Melvin Page. Buy the book,
          hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales. Wil-                            Cure Tooth Decay! $29.95 www.curetoothde-

          Ar Farm, Newville, PA (717) 776-6552.    17/4   GARLIC. Organic & Chemical Free as Nature
                                             intended. Whole cloves or dehydrated pow-
          Willow Stream Farm, grass-fed dairy products   der/chips.  Erker  Organic  Farms,  Burlington,   DVD  of  JOEL  SALATIN. “Heal  the  Planet  by
          from  100%  Jersey  cows.  Raw  milk,  butter,   CO. (719) 346-5026.        *10/3  Healing Your Plate,” presented at the Florida
          five types of cheese. Call for prices. Will ship                       launch  of  the  Farm-to-Consumer  Legal
                                                                                 Defense Fund August 2007. About 2.5 hours.
          cheese  (minimum  10  pounds).  Christian                              $20 donation to local WAPF chapter, includes
          Fisher. 88 Hess Road, Quarryville, PA, 17566.
          717-786-8515 ext 3.          *10/2                                     shipping to US. Email WAPFSarasota@gmail.
                                                                                 com.                         *10/3
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