Page 94 - Winter2008
P. 94
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Healthy Products Aurora, Colorado. Am looking for chef/nutri- TN FARM FOR SALE. 12+ acres suitable for
tionist/teacher to implement healthy cook- crops and livestock on crystal-clear Cane
LIFE ENERGY STORE: Nourish Your Body, ing and eating, following the teaching of Creek, great for fishing and swimming.
Heart & Spirit! Pure Supplementes,Nutritious Sally Fallon & Victoria Boutenko. Also looking Located in a Mennonite farming community,
Foods, Natural Soaps, Sea Salts, Ceremonial for investors, grants, funding help. Contact great neighbors with lots of farming experi-
Herbs, and More! Enjoy Nourishing, Healing, Alan at (303) 823-0291 or abolo10@earthlink. ence. 2600 sq ft energy-efficient house, 6 bed,
Earth-Honoring Products to Vitalize Your net. 9/4 4 bath, attached apartment with separate
Well-Being. 10/2 entrance. Barn, workshop building, fencing,
COWS WANTED: Several grass-fed milk cows large organic garden. $349,000, owner will-
MAGNETICO SLEEP PADS Renew your energy or heifers, within 300 miles of Harrison, ing to finance. For photos and further info,
while sleeping. Developed by Dr. Dean Arkansas. Pastured poultry for sale. Fresh or visit or
call Roger at (931) 729-7622.
Bonlie, MagnetiCo is the only magnetic sleep frozen, no hormones or antibiotics. North
pad backed by ten years of scientific research Central Arkansas (870) 427-3039 littlegiant- VERMONT FARM seeks 2009 apprentices. We
and designed to deliver the correct negative 9/4 integrate American Milking Devon cattle,
magnetic field to the body. Six-month satis- pigs and chickens with growing and ferment-
faction guarantee. Call Dr. Dave Morris at cell DAIRY BUSINESS for sale in Southeast. Loyal ing six tons of vegetables. Our grain-free
(559) 760-7618 for info. & clinical results. 9/4 customer base. 8 milking Jerseys, heifers, cows support raw milk sales plus butter and
bull, milking equipment to supply 135 fami- cheese making. We focus on selling nutri-
NATURAL PRODUCTS. Life Energy Store: lies weekly. $40,000. Also 8 milking goats, 5 ent-dense foods while eating well ourselves!
Nourish your body, heart & spirit. Delicious doelings, bucks, milking equipment to supply Learning opportunities include milking,
nutritious foods: pure chocolates, coconut, 40 families weekly, $7,800. We will help you biodynamics, natural livestock care. Positions
mesquite, agave, salts. Additive-free supple- through transition. 23 acres sustainable farm , available April to November, short and long
ments. Natural soaps. More nourishing, barn, outbuildings, creek, 5-bedroom off-grid term. Cabins, food, laundry, Internet access
and lots of education. Call Doug Flack, (802)
earth-honoring, healing products to vitalize home, $260,000. 10/3 933-7752, Flack Family Farm, www.flackfami-
your vibrant health and well-being! www. 10/4
LifeEnergyStore. com (888) 846-6412 magic@ FARMSTEAD FRESH Inc. is soliciting INVES- 10/2 TORS to help with business expansion. The Healing Arts
business is known for training sustainable
Well-Being Basics Cooking Classes based on dairy farmers in making gourmet quality ‘One ANCIENT TRADITIONAL HEALING WAYS.
Nourishing Traditions and principles of the Step Above Organic’ grass fed raw milk cheese, Awaken vibrant health and well-being in
WAPF taught by Chef and WAPF Honorary and marketing it. Web site; www.farmstead- body, mind and spirit with extraordinary
Board Member Monica Corrado. Offered in 10/3 ancient teachings and effective self-empow-
DC Metro Area, NOVA Montgomery County, INVESTORS NEEDED. Next Level Productions ering tools. Holistic counseling, energy
MD. DVD available on making lacto-fer- healings, retreats. Discount for WAPF mem-
mented condiments. Call 240-988-9312 or is seeking investors to complete its documen- bers. JoAnne Dodgson EdD, www.pathway-
email for schedule tary film “Body Armor.” The film follows the, (888) 846-6412, joanne@
and info. 9/4 journey of individuals with chronic illnesses as 10/2
they explore natural medicine and alternative
therapies. Contact Gabe Golden. (310) 779- FOOD AS MEDICINE Workshop. Sharon A.
Farming/Wapf Lifestyle 2816, *10/4 Kane, Instructor. Get the most out of your
ARTICLES NEEDED. NATIONAL DIRECTORY of SAWSOMME (SAW-SOM-ME): Sunshine - Air food! Ongoing classes teach gentle detoxifi-
organic food sources and other natural Health - Water - Soil - Ocean - Minerals - Microbes cation protocols and hands-on instruction in
Products needs articles, new releases, recipes, - Energies. Properly balances life’s precious the making of kombucha, kefir, gluten-free
and information about your products and benefits. All are needed in agriculture to bread and lacto-fermented pickles.Call Sharon
services for further issues. Advertising avail- start, nurture and sustain life’s requirements. A. Kane, (508) 881-5678, email Gpath2003@
able. Sample $3. Buffalo Creek Publications, SASE. Ed Heine, 14N446 Hwy 20, Hampshire, or visit: www.sanctuary-healing.
PO Box 397, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314. *10/3
IL 60140. (847) 464-5987. *10/1 com. 9/4
COLORADO FARM seeks 2009 INTERNS for TN BED & BREAKFAST. Spend your next HOMEOPATHIC Care for Babies and Children.
mimum three months. Live at Sunrise Ranch vacation on a working farm, LaBelle Acres in Join the Kairos Network Homeopathic Study
and learn about raising nutrient-dense foods, Jamestown, TN. Guests are welcome to fish in Group. Member of WAPF, NCH, HEAR, and the
leadership and community building. Raise the ponds, fight chickens for eggs, or just sit Catskill Medicine Wheel. Low cost, effective,
produce and grassfed beef in the foothills of on the porch rocker. Breakfast foods are sup- very useful for self care and home prescrib-
the Rockies. Visit plied, guests are welcome to prepare them ing. Tutoring by mail for Study Group mem-
or call (970) 679-4330. 10/3* when they desire. For more information, call bers only. Beginners welcome. Make this part
(931) 863-5594 or of your prepared parenting program. Send
COMMUNITY HOUSING. Creating first of 12 or SASE to: Liz Potter, 321 Wahl Road, Livingston
holistic assisted living homes for elderly in see-jamestown-labelle-acres. html. 10/1 Manor, NY 12758. 10/1
94 Wise Traditions WINTER 2008