Page 39 - Winter2010
P. 39

A Dietitian’s Experience

                                                    IN THE NEONATAL CARE UNIT
                                 Introducing Holistic Nutrition Principles into the Pharmaceutical Model
                                                     By Kim Rodriguez, MS, RD, LD

                    As increasing populations of infants are born     While working in an NICU, it was my
                 preterm or with genetic abnormalities, there is  intention to introduce some of these nutrition
                 a rise in demand for dietitians in the Neonatal  principles to fellow health care practitioners,
                 Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Additionally, in  substantiated with available research and tes-
                 order to reduce hospital costs, neonatologists are  timonials. Many of the testimonials include
                 allowing dietitians to prescribe nutrition regimes.  healing methods used by physicians prior to the
                 I would like to share with you my experience  widespread use of antibiotics.
                 working as a dietitian in a hospital’s NICU.     The ideas I shared were not well received
                     A normal day begins with gathering infor-  by my coworkers. Unfortunately, the basis of
                 mation on each infant in preparation for rounds.  their understanding involved pharmaceutically
                 During rounds, each infant’s plan of care is  based medicine and most seem only to desire
                 discussed by the neonatologist, nurse, pharma-  this limited understanding. I constantly ques-
                 cist and dietitian, and ultimately approved by  tioned their resistance to learning about new
                 the neonatologist. Serving in the capacity as a  healing modalities and never grasped why these
                 dietitian, I analyze intake, output, electrolytes,  colleagues became angered when I suggested
                 acid-base balance and minerals to determine how  an intervention that carried the possibility of
                 to feed the infant parenterally (via the veins).  eliminating or decreasing the need for pharma-
                    A neonate’s gastrointestinal tract is under-  ceuticals, commercial infant formulas or invasive
                 developed and cannot tolerate enteral nutrition  procedures.
                 (breast milk or formula). As the infant grows     There are numerous examples of the clash
                 older and is stable, enteral nutrition is introduced  between holistic, nutritionally based practice
                 via a gastric tube until the infant develops a good  and allopathic pharmaceutically based medicine.
                 suck and swallow reflex. As a dietitian, it is my  Here I will discuss the most obvious I encoun-
                 goal to establish advancement in enteral nutrition  tered, and suggest possible avenues to introduce
                 while decreasing the levels of parenteral solution.  a shift to improved care by introducing holistic
                    In addition to the use of parenteral solutions  nutritional principles. There are hundreds of  All preterm
                 and gastric tubes, support such as ventilators,  references supporting my suggestions, some of   infants in the
                 oxygen, warm isolettes and medications are often  which are provided at the end of this article.
                 necessary for the infant’s survival. If the inter-                                   NICU are
                 ventions offered in the NICU were not available,  ANTIBIOTICS FOR SEPSIS             diagnosed
                 many of these infants would not survive.      All preterm infants in the NICU are diag-  with “possible
                    Armed with a solid understanding of the  nosed with “possible sepsis” and immediately
                 principles taught by the Weston A. Price Foun-  placed on antibiotics such as ampicillin and   sepsis” and
                 dation and years of education and exposure  gentamycin. This is done routinely, even if the  immediately
                 to holistic nutrition principles, I found I had a  infant is not truly septic. If a fever persists, anti-  placed on
                 broader outlook of healthcare than my coworkers.  biotics are often continued for a longer period. It
                 I immediately realized that if the care of the in-  is not unusual for an infant to receive antibiotics   antibiotics
                 fants in the NICU included only a small fraction  for more than a month.             such as
                 of these nutrition principles, the infants would     In holistic medicine and in medicine prior   ampicillin and
                 heal sooner and more fully while requiring less  to the explosion of pharmaceuticals, the infant’s
                 medical intervention.                     tissue calcium levels would be closely analyzed   gentamycin.
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