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There are unlimited examples of the clash between what a holistic/ Calcium in Critically Ill Children. Journal of Pediatric Med 1989
Jun: 114 (6) 946-51.
nutritional practitioner would prescribe and what an allopathic physician Prevalence and Clinical Implication of Hypocalcaemia in Acutely
would prescribe. One example is frequent use of ranitidine (Zantac) for Ill Patients in a Medical Intensive Care Setting. American Journal
gastro-esophageal reflux in our NICU. of Med, 1988 Feb: 84(2) 209-14.
On one particular day we had eighteen out of thirty-one infants dosed Calcium Spike in Activated Macrophages During Receptor Medi-
ated Phagocytosis. Journal of Leukocyte Biology 2002:72:677-684.
with ranitidine. Ranitidine is recommended by the pharmaceutical industry Hypocalcaemia: a pervasive metabolic abnormality in the criti-
and is indicated in research for gastrointestinal disturbances such as reflux cally ill. Am J Kidney Disease 2001 Apr: 37(4) 689-98.
to reduce the amount of acid produced in the gastrointestinal tract. This Calcium inhibits E. coli-induced diarrhea. Gastroenterology,
medication is contraindicated for reflux in holistic and nutritional therapies 2003: 125: 469-476.
as it has the potential to create more problems than what it attempts to Reid, F and others. (Oct 2003) Potential uses of probiotics in
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OUTSIDE EDUCATION 324 (7350) 1361.
Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and dietitians must obtain continuing McFarland, LV and others. (Apr 2006) Meta-analysis of probiotics
education hours to maintain their license after graduation. This education for the prevention of antibiotic associated diarrhea and disease.
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most often is offered by the pharmaceutical or food industries whose goal Szajewska H and others. (Sep 2006) Probiotics in the prevention
is to sell their products. Practitioners will not be exposed to education of antibiotic associated diarrhea in children. Journal of Pediatrics
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MY VISION Nutr. 36 (2) 223-27.
I envision a hospital’s health care team that encompasses holistic nutri- Oliveria, V. Food assistance research brief-WIC and breastfeeding
tional modalities in the current pharmaceutically based type of care. This rates. July 15, 2003.
team might include a neonatologist, pharmacist, nurse, properly trained Samuels, SE and others. (1985) Incidence and duration of breast-
feeding in a health maintenance organization population. Am J
nutritionist, and naturopath. of Clinical Nutr: 42 504-10.
I envision an approach to health care that focuses on the ability of the World Health Organization (1981) Geneva. International Code of
body to heal when given the right tools (such as proper nutrition) instead Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.
of mandating reactions via pharmaceutical therapies. Gartner, SM, Greer FR, Section on Breastfeeding and Commit-
tee on Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics. Prevention of
I envision every infant fed breast milk, healthier babies, and less of Rickets and Vitamin D deficiency. New guidelines for Vitamin D
my tax money going to those mothers who find it merely inconvenient to intake. Pediatrics 2003: 908-10.
breastfeed. Datta S and others. Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women for
a non-European ethnic minority population. GJOG 2002:109:905-
I envision fewer infants requiring NICU services because mom is 08.
healthy (eating well). Rasmussen SA and others. (June 2010) “Pre-pregnancy obesity
I envision mothers’ nutrition education no longer coming from the and birth defects. Am J of Clin Nutr 91:1539-40.
food industry, whose only goal is to sell product, not keep us healthy. World Health Organization (1996). Iodine deficiency disorders.
Fact sheet No. 121. Geneva.
I envision a world where we no longer see bias around anything that Tyler PE, (June 4, 1996). Lacking iodine in their diets, millions
takes away from pharmaceutical or health care profits. in China are retarded. New York Times A1-10.
I envision a neonatologist who recognizes and analyzes research Hollowell, JG, and others. Iodine nutrition in the United States.
outside of the research presented by the pharmaceutical industry. Trends and public health implications, iodide excretion data from
National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (1971-1974
I envision a world where no one values disease as a way to make a and 1988-1994). J Clin Endocrinol Metab: 1998:83:3401-08.
profit. Morris L Tateman JK (December 2009). The agenda for continu-
ing medical education – limiting industries influence. N. Eng. J
Kim Rodriguez, MS, RD, LD, is the proprietor of Aiken Nutrition, offering Med 361 (25) 2478-82.
private nutrition consultations, and is a WAPF chapter leader in Aiken, South Institute of Medicine, Conflict of Interest in Medical Research,
Carolina. Contact Kim at (803) 644-4463 or Education, and Practice. Washington, DC. National Academies
Press 2009.
Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA. Nutrition studies conclusions
STAY TUNED: tied to funding source. Jan 8, 2007.
A Dietitian’s Experience Working in a Nursing Home Tang and others. Relationship between funding source and con-
A Dietitian’s Experience Working in a Prison Hospital clusion among nutrition-related scientific articles Pub Library of
Science 2007:4 (2).
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