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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

          CO                                  MA                                OH
          100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef. On pas-  Many Hands Organic Farm in Barre, MA.   Sugartree Ridge Grassfed. Openings in a 100%
          ture year-round. Production practices detailed   Produces certified organic lard from pasture   grassfed herdshare with 9 delivery sites in the
          on our website.  Raised on the family ranch in   raised pigs fed Nature's Best Organic Feeds,   Cincinnati area. No-grain, no-silage. Eleven
          Wyoming. Farmers markets and some delivery   whey and pasture. $20/quart in yogurt con-  cows (cross bet ween Jersies, Guernseys,
          in northern Colorado. (307) 534-2289, www.  tainers. We ship in the U.S. Order at http://  Brown Swiss and British White) grazed year-
       (978) 355-2853;   round on sixty acres rotating through thirty
                                                        paddocks (which are allowed to grow for sixty
          DC                                                                    days between grazings and are spread with or-
          CSA: Hi-Brix, nutritionally dense, biodynami-  MD                     ganic, Albrecht-based mineral supplements).
          cally grown kitchen vegetables, grass-finished   100% soy-free chicken, eggs, pork and beef.   Nutrient-dense milk, family-friendly farming
          beef, pastured pork, broilers & eggs. Openings   Chicken livers, chicken feet and heads. Bacon   and holistic stewardship. 6851 Fair Ridge Road,
          for 2014 season in DC Metro area. Contact Al-  and sausage. Raw milk Blue and Cheddar   Hillsboro, OH 45133 or Cincinnati area: Bill &
          lan Balliett, (304)   cheese by cheesemaker Sally Fallon Morell.   Marylou Wilson (513) 583-9393.
          876-3382,   Will ship whole cheese wheels. Southern
                                              Maryland, within 1 hour of downtown An-  Three Moon Farm, Williamsport OH. We raise
          FL                                  napolis and Washington, DC. Saturday farm   grass-fed beef, pasture raised chicken, turkey
          100% grass-fed dairy and beef. Soy-free wood-  tours. Store open Thurs-Sat 10-6 or by appoint-  & eggs. We also offer raw honey from our
          land pork. Soy-free pastured broilers and eggs,   ment. P. A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701 Doctor   hives. For more information please check us
          fermented foods,  Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) 579-2727,   out at or call Kelly
                                                 at (740) 253-9029.
          Yoder’s Natural Farm (Iowa): We have available   Come to our peaceful family farm—your   PA
          grass-fed beef, pasture raised pork, pasture   source for premium pasture-raised chicken,   Breezy Meadows Farm. Raw goat's milk. Raw
          raised chickens, eggs, and duck. Also, raw goat   turkey, eggs, 100% grass-fed lamb, and raw   farmstead cheese.  Our cheese is made with
          and cow dairy (for private membership only)   honey! Poultry fed organic feed. Less than 1   vegetable rennet and Celtic sea salt.  All prod-
          and butter available. (641) 664-2060.  hour from DC metro area in southern Freder-  ucts are antibiotic, GMO and soy-free. We ship.
                                              ick County, MD. (301)   Call (717) 821-7547. Myerstown, PA.
          IL                                  874-6181.
          Milk from 100% grass-fed Jersey cows, also                            Three-year aged cheddar from 100% grass-fed
          a variety of raw milk cheeses, grass-fed beef,   Grass-fed Angus beef (no grain), free range   Jersey cows. Limited supply. One-year aged
          pasture raised broilers, no-soy eggs, no-soy   eggs,  pastured chicken  &  tur key. Liv er,   cheddar from grass-fed Jersey cows fed some
          pork, honey and a variety of fruits & vegetables   chicken feet, organ meats & bones, food grade   grain. $7.00 per pound. Free shipping over 20
          seasonally. Roodhouse, IL. Steve & Cindy Man-  heritage grinding corn. Pick up Potomac or   pounds. (717) 768-3652.
          sfield (217) 589-4554.              Buckeystown. Our cattle & poultry are always
                                              on organic pasture & receive all organic feed,   Bareville Creamery 100% grass-fed. We offer
          KS                                  no hormones, antibiotics, or animal parts. We
          Farm Shares! Old Order Anabaptist fam-                                raw traditionally cultured butter from our
          ily seeking up to 15 families/individuals. We   grow our own hay & grains & grind our own   grass-fed cows. We will ship to you or visit our
          tend the open-pollinated garden and fod-  poultry feed. Quality organic products since   farm to pick up. Daniel & Katie Zook, Leola, PA
          der and whey-fed heritage-breed livestock.   1979. (301) 983-2167, nicksorganicfarm@  (717) 656-4422.
          You receive a “share” of fresh eggs, heirloom,
          vegetables and raw cultured dairy products                            Freedom Acres Farm located in Honey brook,
          weekly. Our goal is to provide affordable   MN                        PA. Raw milk and dairy products from 100%
          nutrient-dense foods as well as a traditional   Farm On Wheels offers animals raised Green   grass-fed Jersey cows, pastured, GMO free
          agricultural experience through our monthly   Grass-fed & Certified Organic. Nutrient dense   chicken, turkey, eggs, and pork. 100% grass-
          “Farm Days” and Work Bees”. $1 per pound live-  beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, turkey, goose, duck,   fed beef Samuel and Esther Fisher, (610) 273-
                                              and pork, No corn or soy. Farmers Market
          weight whey and fodder-fed hogs in season.   year around in St. Paul, Prior Lake, Northfield.   2076,
          Please contact Old Paths Heritage Farm at   Linda (507) 789-6679, www.farmonwheels.
          (785) 388-2107.                     net,
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