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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

         Fresh grass-fed raw milk, cream, butter, yogurt   Crafts              food, presentation skills, reliable vehicle, self-
         & cheese - veal, soy-free poultry, free range                         motivation and ability to travel overnight
         eggs, grass-fed beef and lamb. Frozen meats                           occasionally. Annual salary of $30,000, full
         also available. We will ship. You are welcome   Beautiful crafts by local artists. Keep your   benefits package and reimbursement for busi-
         to stop in or give us a call. Mark & MaryAnn   gift-giving dollars in the USA. Alpaca blankets,   ness mileage. Interested qualified candidates
         Nolt (717) 776-3417.               socks and yarn; hand painted decorations,   can send resume and cover letter to Carol.
                                            paintings by award-winning ar tist Megan
         Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy,   Pisciotta Greene; handmade quilts. Exclusive
         happy animals—lovingly cared for just as   source of Nourishing Traditions posters. Satur-  SALES  REP WANTED  for  award-winning
         Mother Nature intended—which provide   day farm tours. Store open Thurs-Sat 10-6 or   VitaClay® products (
         high-energy, nutritious and delicious food   by appointment. P A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701   Are you a passionate cook and familiar with
         sources for health-conscious individuals. No   Doctor Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301)   nourishing traditions? Share VitaClay's ancient
         antibiotics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our   579-2727,  cooking secret —unglazed clay and earn up
         animals! (616) 837-9226, www. CreswickFarms.                          to $2K to $20K monthly. Please e-mail resume
         com.                                             Dvds                 to, or text to
                                                                               (408) 621-6187.
         Raw milk cheeses from organically man-
         aged, 100% grass-fed Jersey cows. Retail &   DVD “Nourishing O ur Children” recently   Seeking Farmer & Property Manager in La
         wholesale. Prices start at $5.00/pound, mail   launched a DVD that may be used for one’s   Plata, MD: Newly built t wo-story tenant
         order cheese. Raw milk & pastured eggs avail-  self-education or to present to an audience.   house with 2 bedrooms, 1.5 baths on site and
         able. Eastern PA, 15 minutes N of I78, Hilltop   You will learn how to nourish rather than   available for occupation. Approximately 50+
         Meadows Farm, 153 Martins Rd. Pine Grove,   merely feed your family. nourishingourchil-  acres of farmland available for agricultural use
         PA 17963 (570) 345-3305.  Free shipping!  (holistic farm projects welcomed). Property
                                                                               management would include basic mainte-
         Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys,   Share your passion for food with friends and   nance of farm owner's non-agricultural land
         made on our family farm with Celtic sea salt.   family! The Diet for Human Beings affirms our   (approximately 12 acres). Call (504) 451-5625
         No-grain feed. Also grass-fed beef and pas-  human requirement for fats, with less empha-  for detail.
         tured chickens, turkeys and eggs. All soy-free,   sis on starchy carbs. “An Hour To Watch – 30
         no hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales, will   Days To Try – Your Life Will Never Be The Same”   Semi-retired couple seeks caretaking posi-
         ship cheese. Wil-Ar Farm, Newville, PA (717)  tions and/or to relocate to a farming commu-
         776-6552.                                                             nity. She writes and teaches about women's
                                             Employment Opportunities          health; would love to teach reading and writ-
         VA                                                                    ing to teens who farm part of the day. She is
         Cow/Herd shares available, with Member in                             also an excellent cook. He prunes trees, repairs
         Local Kine (M.I.L.K.) Project in Fauquier County   A small group of WAPF members is launch-  drip irrigation. Need distance from cell towers
         at Western View Farm, 2028 Laws Ford Rd.,   ing a real-food restaurant chain, with the   and Wi-Fi. Ideas? Please phone (505) 820-0773.
         Catlett, VA 20119. For information call Martha   first location in Dallas, TX. To be added to
         Bender (540) 788-9663.             our mailing  list , please  email  K atharine
                                            Spehar a t kspehar@bar
         Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar                                   Healing Arts
         beef, pigaerator pork, pastured chickens,   Rewco, Inc. is seeking people with a passion for
         turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits.   health and wellness also possessing a strong   Integrative Diagnosis (ID) was developed by
         Near Staunton. Some delivery available. Call   work ethic. We have two full time positions   John Kozinski MEA to help you understand
         (540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.   providing educational and support services   your overall health condition so traditional
                                            to supermarkets located in Maryland and New   foods can be used for your healing or health
         WY                                 Jersey. Ideal candidate location is Princeton,   maintenance needs. For ID Classes or a Health
         100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef. On   NJ or Columbia, MD. Responsibilities include   Consultation call: 413-623-5925 www.macro-
         pasture year-round. Production practices   a leadership role at new store setups and
         detailed on our website.  Raised on the family   providing product training. Requirements
         ranch in Goshen County, Wyoming. Farmers   include knowledge of natural and organic   STOOL DONOR WANTED - Seeking healthy
         markets and delivery to local region. (307)                           stool donor for a fecal transplant procedure
         534-2289,                                    (1X/day, 10 days). Ideal donor: raised on WAP-
         Cindy Ridenour.                     The greatest fine art of the future   type diet, no antibiotics, and at least 13-years-
                                                    will be the making         old. Will travel & compensate the donor for
                                                  of a comfortable living      their time. Contact:
                                                from a small piece of land.
                                                     Abraham Lincoln
         116                                        Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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