Page 121 - Winter2014
P. 121
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Healthy Products Homes & Land Intentional Community
CULTURED VEGETABLES, 100% ORGANIC by 200 acre KY farm. near Owenton, 4BR, 31/2BA Do you observe kashrut as well as follow a
Immunitrition. 3 delicious, raw blends - Gar- house built 1996. Pond, pier, dock, spring-fed WAP lifestyle? Seeking others with whom to
den, Sea, and Sunshine. Ships throughout creek, stock pond, pasture, woods, roads. Ex- share the discoveries and challenges in the
the USA via UPS. Available in 32oz. jars or try cellent hunting: deer, turkey, rabbit, squirrel. intersection of these choices. Anita Schubert
our Cultured Veggie Taste Tester with bonus $599K. Call Mike (859) 743-6551. Manchester, CT (860) 432-3131
sea salt and literature. (877) 773-9229, www. 32+ acres diversified farm. Sustainable 20+
cow, Herd Share Dairy business. Beautiful Eco Farm: Small, farm-based community lo-
FACE TONIQUE-100% Natural Facial Masks and home and cabin on property. Beginning of a cated near Tampa FL with a mission of sustain-
Jojoba Oil products of the highest purity, high fodder system. Small orchard & garden spot. able living. WAPF friendly looking for others for
mineral content, sun dried, unscented and Lovely view of cascade mountains, Grizzle mt., direction and help, especially with our small
fragrance free. Very effective for cleansing, Ochoco range, & Powell Butte. Oregon, (541) pasture based dairy operation. This year we
detoxification and general skin care treat- 306-1495,, www. have reached 400 PPM CO2 in our atmosphere,
ments -, facetonique@ which makes our chance to prevent climate, (347) 455-0029. break-down close to zero (New York Times
Central Oregon, profitable 32+ acres irrigated 5/11). Small, local, farm-based communities
FLUORIDE FREE AMERICA: Mission: Enhanc- farm with expanding whole milk, butter, may be our only hope; it’s ours at
ing communication between individuals and cheese, cream, yogurt, kefir, sour cream and, (813) 754-7374.
organizations to exchange information and growing market. Six cow pipeline parlor,
create strategies to end water fluoridation. 20 plus sustainable cow herd, swine, sheep Group in Canada looking for individuals inter- * Twitter. and poultry. Have a garden, small orchard ested in creating a long term care facility on
com/FluorideFreeAmerica/waterliberty * 70% and green houses. Three bedroom 2.5 baths a working ranch in order to have meaningful
of Americans are fluoridated. JOIN IN THE EF- home plus small cabin, all with amazing views. activities and produce food that is chemical
FORT TO END FLUORIDATION - You have the, www.windyacres- and GMO free. Contact Dean Goddard at
right to safe drinking water.
GRAINS: Offering High-Brix, and GMO free, EcoDream home. 3.25 acre organically gar- Looking for others that want to live with us and
Spelt, Rye and Heirloom Corn. We also offer dened, wooded property backs to protected work on our diverse farm near Tampa Florida
nutrient dense buckwheat flour and other watershed with hiking/equestrian trails. Keep with the goals of sustainable farming. The
in season products. We ship and are located animals or walk to boarding stable. Modern Fellowship of Intentional Communities www.
in Bentleyville, Pa. Visit us at: GOSHENVAL- log home, must-see kitchen, 3BR, 3BA, fin- has a wealth of information about how
LEYGRAINS.COM ished basement, wood stove, decks, stone this way of living provides a healthy, secure
patio. Rockville, Maryland, 15min. from Shady and sustainable way for us to exist as our
KEFIR: Making kefir at home just got easier Grove Metro Redline. City convenience, coun- environmental conditions worsen faster than
with KEFIRKO! This innovative new tool from try farmette feel. $550K Call Michelle (301) previous forecasted. EcofarmFL's mission
Europe allows you to culture and strain your 330-4428. Member WAPF includes the principles of Permaculture and
milk or water kefir grains with ease. And the other sustainable farming practices. Lastly, we
community at KEFIRHOOD.COM will connect Foot of the Big Horn Mts, Wyoming, low taxes. need to be healthy to be sustainable farmers,
you with others in your area who have kefir 1.6 acres, large garage, large shop, 2-story so thank you WAPF!
grains to share! To learn more about KEFIRKO, metal shed, 22x40 greenhouse + garden,
visit chicken yard, apple, cherry, pear, raspberries,
and additional fruit trees, asparagus beds,
VITACLAY Chef Smart Organic Multi-cooker. herb and flower perennials, etc. ALL ORGANIC.
No lead, no aluminum, no chemicals. Makes Small irrigation ditch with rights PLUS raw
perfect germinated rice, quinoa, savory stews, water system. 5 bdrm, 3 bath home, large
soups and nutritious bone broths or steamed kitchen. Great active community center for
fish or veggies. Plus Bonus low temperature all ages nearby. $390,000. (307) 655-0123.
yogurt maker! Visit us
online or call (888) 808-2015.
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 117
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