Page 86 - Winter2020
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Legislative Updates

                                           LOOKING AHEAD TO 2021
                                              By Judith McGeary, Esq.

                                 Given the general gridlock in the federal  this year.
                              government, Wise Traditions readers are prob-     Just how expensive is it to use electronic
                              ably not surprised to hear that Congress hasn’t  ID? The tags themselves typically cost two to
                              done much on food and agricultural bills in the  three dollars, which may not sound like a lot
                              last few months and is unlikely to do anything  until you compare it to the cost of the current
                              until after the inauguration in 2021. Our work  metal tags (ten cents each). And the tags are just
                              continues, though, laying the groundwork for  part of the real cost. There is also the cost of the
                              2021 actions while we assess the lay of the land.  readers and other infrastructure needed to move
                                 Representatives Pingree and Massie have  to an electronic system. It’s not as simple as bar
                              committed to bring back the PRIME Act in  code readers in a grocery store. . . think about
                              the new Congress, to allow small farmers to  how close you have to get the cereal box to the
                              use custom processors to sell meat within the  reader, and then think about trying to do that
                              state. At the recent Farm & Food Leadership  with thousand-pound animals, possibly with
                              Conference, Massie dubbed a revised version of  long sharp horns!
                              the bill, which would allow direct-to-consumer     The USDA has refused to provide any cost
                              sales only (no restaurants or retailers), the  analysis of its plans. So let’s look at a real-world
                              “sub-PRIME Act.” After giving the pun a well-  example. One state, Michigan, already has man-
                              deserved chuckle, it’s important to remember  datory electronic cattle ID. Michigan instituted
                              that those direct-to-consumer sales have been at  the requirement under its tuberculosis program
                              the heart of the movement for this bill all along.  back in 2007. The Farm and Ranch Freedom Al-
                              While it’s disappointing that the PRIME Act did  liance (FARFA) filed a Freedom of Information
                              not move forward this year, the explosion in the  Act request with the Michigan ag department
                              number of sponsors provides momentum as we  to find out how much their program costs—not
               Judith McGeary
            is the Austin, Texas,   move forward to 2021. We need to ensure that  just costs to the state, but farmers, sale barns,
             chapter leader, an   Congress remembers the problems at the meat-  veterinarians, all of whom are affected by it.
                 attorney and   packing plants during the pandemic (for more     You would think that they’d know this,
           small farmer, and the   thoughts on how to do that, see the sidebar).  right? The agency mandates the electronic IDs;
           executive director of
           the Farm and Ranch      U.S. Representative Colin Peterson lost his  surely they must have assessed the costs at some
             Freedom Alliance.   seat in the November elections, so there will be a  point. Or perhaps not. After stalling for several
              She has a B.S. in   new chair of the House Agriculture Committee.  weeks, the agency responded that it would pro-
                 biology from   The Democratic caucus has elected Rep. David  duce the documents, but only if FARFA paid
            Stanford University
            and a J.D. from the   Scott of Georgia, the first African American to  over seventeen hundred dollars! Supposedly,
            University of Texas   chair the Committee.  Rep. Scott hasn’t been a  the documents are so complicated and difficult
             at Austin. She and   strong voice either for or against reforms such as  to find that it takes high-level employees many
                 her husband   the PRIME Act, so it’s unclear where he stands.  hours to identify and copy them.
                  run a small
              grass-based farm                                             Without the documents, we can indirectly
             with sheep, cattle,   MORE ON ANIMAL ID                   assess the costs based on the impact of the
            horses and poultry.      As dicussed in the last Wise Traditions, the  program. Every five years, the USDA does an
                    For more   USDA is yet again trying to mandate electronic  agricultural census. As it happens, 2007 was
             information, go to
                farmandranch   ID for cattle. In August, the agency announced  a census year. Here is what happened with
      or   that it would stop approving any non-electronic  Michigan cattle farms between 2007 and 2012,
            call (254) 697-2661.   forms of “official identification” at the end of  as compared with the rest of the country:
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